Union Activity FYI

This time each year, Campus HR provides guidelines for responding to union and pending union-related activities at MU, slated for the week of May 21, 2012. The information from HR covers topics including ‘Union Activity on University Property,’ ‘Posting Materials on University Property,’ and do’s and don’ts for interacting with a labor union. For more information, see below.

TO:                  Employee Relation Committee Members

FROM:            Karen Touzeau, Associate Vice Chancellor Human Resource Services

DATE:            May 3, 2012

SUBJECT:      Union Activity on Campus


From May 21-25, 2012 the Laborers’ International Union #773 of North America intends to organize potential union employees on the University of Missouri-Columbia campus.  We recognize our labor unions as representatives of their respective employee groups.  The following document should provide your supervisors and managers with appropriate information to clarify activities for union organizers on University property.

In our regular Meet and Confer meetings, International Union 773 and Human Resource Services have discussed our service maintenance employees.  However, it is important to note that this organizing campaign will also focus on organizing office technical employees, including any support staff on campus.  The same activities and restrictions for union activity contained within this letter will apply to circumstances involving organizing of staff technicians and other support employees.

Section I – Labor Union Recognition

The Board of Curators has officially recognized the Laborers’ International Union 773 of North America as the exclusive bargaining agent representing University service/maintenance employees in discussions of general working conditions, employee benefits, services and grievances with University administration.  Therefore, we are in a recognized professional relationship with our labor union.

Union Activity on University Property

The University of Missouri generally prohibits solicitation.  Therefore, any union activity designed to solicit membership or dues must be held in an officially approved University public area (Missouri Unions, Alumni Center, etc.) or any other area approved by MU Business Services office.  Unions are allowed to use University meeting space based on the conditions outlined in the Business Policy and Procedure Manual section 6:050 entitled “Use of Facilities.”

The University generally does not allow union activity if it occurs during an employee’s scheduled work time.  We have had situations where the union stewards appeared at the work site wanting to take an employee away from their work to engage in conversation.  Such practices are not allowed as part of our union Collection of Policies.  However, it would not be inappropriate for an employee to agree to talk to that union steward in a non-work area on non-work time.

Posting Materials on University Property

Unions are allowed to post information on University property in accord with the Business Policy and Procedure Regulations section 1:070.  Unions may post information, posters, signs or other materials on bulletin boards in designated areas under the following conditions:

  1. Outdoor bulletin boards are considered free bulletin boards for appropriate use.  However, priority of space will be given to University sponsored activities.
  2. Interior bulletin boards are for appropriate materials as designated by department management and should be used only after the material has been reviewed by the department or building coordinator in charge of the bulletin board.
  3. Bulletin boards in residential halls are for posting official notices and announcements.  Materials should be approved by residence halls coordinators.  Typically union related materials would not be suitable for posting in residence halls.
  4. No posters, signs or other articles shall be pasted, nailed, taped, stapled or otherwise attached to any part of the interior or exterior (including windows and doors) of University buildings or light posts.

In general the provisions of this policy allow unions to use external and internal bulletin boards in accord with the above regulations.  Most departments have places already designated as places to post union materials.

If you have questions regarding union postings, please bring these to the attention of your Human Resource Services representative.  Please note however that if you allow posting of materials in places other than official bulletin boards (e.g. bathrooms, coffee and break areas) you erode your opportunity to restrict the posting of union material.

Union Buttons, Badges and Insignia

The University may not stop employees from carrying union cards, wearing or displaying union buttons or wearing clothing with union insignia if those actions do not interfere with the actual work activity or safety of the employee or the work performed.

Distribution of Literature

Unions may distribute non-university publications in limited areas outside of building.  The distribution of union literature should be in a non-work area on non-work time.  Typically this occurs in parking lots or lunch rooms (if you allow outsiders in your break room).


Here are some general tips in terms of interacting with a labor union.


  • Speak to your employees if they ask you questions about unionization.
  • Respond to inquiries from employees about wages, policies and other conditions of employment.
  • Consistently enforce the no solicitation and no distribution rules as they apply to your department.
  • Try to create a positive working relationship with our unions.


  • Do not discriminate against employees who actively support the union.
  • Do not poll employees regarding their feelings about the union.
  • Do not get involved in disputes involving an employee and the union.

If you have any questions regarding Union activity in your department please contact me at touzeauk@missouri.edu or at 573-882-4256.

Position Opening: Library Information Specialist I

Library Information Specialist I – Access Services, UM Libraries Depository. 50% FTE; 20 hours/wk. $10.92/hr. Not benefit-eligible.

Duties:  Prepare patron requests for retrieval, retrieve items using the mechanical order picker and prepare them for circulation. Shelve returned items.  Must be able to scan and send electronic documents to requesting institutions.  Must function as van driver as needed, making daily trips to Ellis Library and MU Courier to deliver borrowed UMLD items and to pick up tubs full of materials to go to UMLD.  Must be able to load and unload van. Must be able to work with minimal supervision and meet speed and accuracy goals as determined by department. Must be prepared to act as person in charge of the depository in the absence of the manager.  Must be able to supervise, and participate in, the processing of new items going into storage, and functionally oversee the work of student assistants as needed (e.g., assign/explain tasks, review work for accuracy/completion).

Requirements:  Must have a valid Missouri Driver’s license and be able to operate a van.  Must be able to lift fully loaded Roughneck Totes (est. 50 pounds), push fully loaded book trucks (est. 200 pounds), stand and walk for long periods of time, bend, stoop, stand on ladders, read labels and barcodes in a dimly lighted area, drive the mechanical order picker, drive a van, operate a telephone, operate a FAX machine. Must be able to use a Raymond Orderpicker to retrieve books up to a height of thirty feet.  Must be able to work in a temperature and humidity controlled environment (55 degrees F, 50% RH). Must be able to spend at least six hours per day at a computer with regular breaks provided. Must have typing proficiency.

Libraries Appointed Committees – Call for Self-Nominations

It’s that time of year again to let you know that replacements are needed for several vacancies on various MU Libraries committees for 2012-2014. All MU Libraries employees are encouraged to apply for committee membership with supervisor approval. Current committee members may apply for reappointment. The new committee appointments will be announced in June and will be effective July. 1. This effective date is earlier than last year for some committees. The change follows a discussion and decision to match effective dates with the fiscal year. A July 1 start allows committees time to plan before the rush of the fall semester

The following list provides information on the composition of all the committees. For information on the charge of each committee, click on the associated url.

Faculty Lecture Series Committee – The MU Libraries Faculty Lecture Series provides a forum for MU faculty to present original scholarship from across the disciplines, presented in an accessible fashion for an audience for non-specialists.  Lectures will be videotaped and archived in MOspace — the MU Libraries digital repository for scholarly work.  Members of this committee will need to plan and coordinate approximately four faculty lecture events per academic year.

The MU Libraries Research Paper Contest Committee administers the Undergraduate Research Paper Contest, established in 2010 and sponsored by the Friends of the MU Libraries. The committee works with the Libraries Communications Officer to promote the contest to students and faculty throughout the year, coordinates the judging of the contest by panels of librarians and faculty in February/March, arranges the presentation of the awards in April, and handles any questions that arise concerning the contest. For more information on the contest see: https://libraryguides.missouri.edu/researchcontest.

Staff Development Committee – Three librarians, not from the same division, three members of the support staff, not from the same division, and the Library Administrative Associate (ex officio). http://mulibraries.missouri.edu/staff/policies/POL09.htm;

Diversity Action Committee – Five to seven members representing all levels of full-time staff. http://mulibraries.missouri.edu/staff/committees/affirmativeaction/default.htm:

Preservation Committee – The Committee will consist of at least seven library staff members. A mix of members from Technical Services and Public Services, as well as branches and Ellis Library is desirable. http://mulibraries.missouri.edu/staff/dis    astermanual/section_9.htm;

Exhibits Committee – The committee’s policy does not prescribe membership criteria or numbers. http://mulibraries.missouri.edu/staff/policies/POL33.htm;

Library Assembly – The group shall consist of representatives from within the MU Libraries. http://mulibraries.missouri.edu/staff/committees/LibraryAssembly/

Replacements Needed – Libraries Appointed Committees—2012-2014

Diversity Action Committee Members
HR Manager, Chair
Abbie Brown (11-13)
Darell Schmick (11-12)
Sheena Waggoner (10-12)
Karen Witt (11-13)
Sean Witzman (11-13)

Need replacements for:
Darell Schmick
Sheena Waggoner
(The committee’s policy does not prescribe membership criteria or numbers of members.)

Ellis Exhibits Committee Members
Kelli Hansen, Chair (11-13)
Mary Amann (11-13)
Ellen Blair (10-12)
Elaine Huntsucker (11-13)
Charlotte Mustain (10-12)

Need replacements for:
Ellen Blair
Charlotte Mustain
(The committee’s policy does not prescribe membership criteria or numbers of members.)

Preservation Committee Members
Ruthe Morse, Chair (11-13)
Michaelle Dorsey (ex officio)
Michael Holland (ex officio)
Ann Riley (ex-officio)
Anne Barker (11-13)
Jackie Blonigen (11-13)
Dorothy Carner (11-13)
Sharon Gaughan (11-13)
Regina Guccione (11-13)
Libby Myre (11-13)

Need replacements for:
(The committee’s charge calls for at least seven library employees to serve on the committee.)

MU Libraries Research Paper Contest Committee
Anne Barker, Chair (term ends 8/31/13)
Gwen Gray (term ends 8/31/13)
Alla Barabtarlo (11-13)
Goodie Bhullar (11-13)
Rachel Brekhus (11-13)

Need replacements for:
Two new members are requested. This will allow the committee to have staggered terms of appointment which helps with continuity.

Staff Development Committee Members
HR Manager, Chair
Alla Barabtarlo (10-12)
Mat Miller (10-12)
Colleen Smith (11-13)
Amanda Sprochi (10-12)
Stephen Stanton (10-12)

Need a replacement for:
Alla Barabtarlo
Mat Miller
Amanda Sprochi
Stephen Stanton

A total of 4 new members are needed – 2 from the academic ranks and 2 from the classified staff ranks.

Faculty Lecture Series Committee
Brenda Graves-Blevins, Chair (11-13)
Suzy Bent (10-12)
Jackie Blonigen (11-13)
Shannon Cary (ex officio)
Paula Roper (11-13)
Ernest Shaw (11-13)
Deb Ward (11-13)

Need replacements for:
Suzy Bent

Library Assembly
The call for self-nominations will take place within individual departments based upon scheduled turnover; voting will again take place via an online survey distributed by Leo. As an FYI, the following departments will be invited to elect new representatives to serve on Library Assembly for 2012-2015:

University Archives
Journalism, Math and Engineering Libraries


Nomination Form

All interested employees are encouraged to apply. Committee members whose terms are ending may apply to be reappointed. If you are interested in more than one committee, please prioritize your selection. Check with your supervisor before volunteering your services for a committee(s).

Name:______________________________________      Phone:________________      E-mail:__________________________

Place a 1 next to your first choice and a 2 next to your second choice (if you have one). Return this form to Leo Agnew, 104 Ellis Library. The preferred return deadline date is Friday, May 25, 2011, but self-nominations will be accepted until all positions are filled.


_____    Diversity Action Committee

_____    Exhibits Committee

_____    Faculty Lecture Series Committee

_____    Preservation Committee

_____    Research Paper Contest Committee

_____    Staff Development Committee


Check one if you indicated multiple committee choices:

____       I am available to serve on one committee only

____       I am available to serve on multiple committees

DoIT Open Forum Announcement

As a member of the Mizzou community, information technology plays a big part in your daily life. It’s your turn to ask about IT at Mizzou. Where do we stand? Where are we going?

Bring your questions to the DoIT Open Forum on May 8 from 3:30-5 p.m. in the Jesse Wrench Auditorium at Memorial Union. Dr. Gary Allen, MU chief information officer, will give a short presentation followed by a “town hall” style meeting. This is your chance to ask questions and share your ideas! We welcome any faculty and staff members who use technology in the classroom and/or office to ask questions and provide input about technology at Mizzou.

Your input helps us provide the best resources and services possible. Please join us!

Director’s Calendar: May 7 – 11th, 2012

Notable meetings from the calendar of Jim Cogswell, Director of MU Libraries

Tuesday, May 8th
2:00 – 4:00 p.m. – Library Management Team, TBD
4:30 p.m. – Kemper Awards Ceremony Reception, Reynolds Alumni Center

Thursday, May 10th
8:00 – 10:00 a.m. – Council of Deans, Memorial Union

Friday, May 11th
11:00 a.m. – Chancellor’s Honorary Degree Luncheon, Memorial Union (For Ron Powers…)