New Posts, May 7-11

  1. FDLP Anniversary Update
  2. Director’s Calendar: May14-18
  3. Update from the Staff Representative Committee Survey
  4. Healthy for Life Update
  5. Tours of Ellis Library to Be Offered During Staff Appreciation Week
  6. Annual MULSA Meeting Reminder
  7. Library Assembly Meeting Minutes, April 24
  8. MU Libraries Receive Funds From SFIC to Upgrade Security Cameras
  9. Hello to Lars Hagelin
  10. Union Activity FYI
  11. Position Opening: Library Information Specialist I
  12. Celebration of Service Invitation
  13. Libraries Appointed Committees–Call for Self-Nominations

FDLP Anniversary Update

















The 150 anniversary celebration of MU Libraries participation in the Federal Depository Library Program was a big success.

Here’s the text of the speech from Blaine Luetkemeyer that was entered into the Congressional Record on Monday.

Please visit GPO’s facebook page to see some photos.

Director’s Calendar: May 14 – 18th, 2012

Notable meetings from the calendar of Jim Cogswell, Director of MU Libraries

Tuesday, May 15th
12:00 Noon – Opening Reception of the Staff Recognition Week 2012 Arts and Crafts Showcase,  Grand Reading Room, 201 Ellis Library

1:00-2:00 p.m. – Library Assembly, 159 Ellis Library

2:00-4:00 p.m. – Library Management Team, Ellis Library

Thursday, May 17th

3:00-4:00 p.m. – UM Library Directors TelePresence Meeting, Ellis Library

Update from the Staff Representative Committee Survey

Thank you all for your participation in the SRC survey. There were 88 individual responses – greater than a 60% response rate.

Elaine Huntsucker and PT Martin are working with Leo Agnew to analyze the data. We will identify the common themes and generate an independent summary report for distribution. To continue to preserve anonymity the report will not include any individual responses or quotes from the original survey.

Our target date for completion is May 18th.

Thanks again for your time and interest.

Elaine Huntsucker & PT Martin

Healthy for Life Update

Due to popular demand, we have extended the Wellness Incentive deadline until May 25th for in person screenings and May 31st for individual screening submissions (you can use our online Doctor Screening Form). Thousands of employees have completed the program and time is running out, don’t miss out on your $100. Simply complete a personal health assessment (15 minutes) and a FREE health screening. Primary subscribers to the UM Medical plans will receive $100 in a tax-favored account to use for medical expenses in 2012 Benefit Plan year.

Get started now:

1.    Create your Cerner Health account by visiting
2.    Enter your email address and join the program.
3.    Complete your personal health assessment – an online questionnaire that helps you understand your health risks and provides you with resources to improve your well-being.
4.    Schedule your FREE health screening at a convenient time and location on campus. Your health screening provide you a look at your cholesterol, blood sugar, blood pressure, height and weight. If your screening is before noon, fasting for 9 hours is recommended, but not required (6 hours if pregnant) and drinking 64 ounces of water the day before is suggested.

Upcoming Screenings
Date    Time    Location
May 15    8:30-11:30 a.m.    Memorial Union, Mark Twain Ballroom (N201/202)
May 16    8-11:30 a.m.    Quarterdeck Building, Cafeteria Hallway
May 17    1-4 p.m.    MU Student Center, Room G-118
May 18    8-11 a.m.    University Hospital, GL-17, Hallway
May 23    8-11 a.m.    MU Student Center, Room G-118
May 24    1-4 p.m.    University Hospital, GL-17, Hallway
May 25    8-11 a.m.    University Hospital, GL-17, Hallway
Questions? Email Blaine Snow at

Healthy for Life offers Stress Reduction Program
The Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction Program is an 8 week class for faculty and staff (and their partner or spouse for no extra fee).  Sign up NOW for the next program and learn skills for responding to stress with greater ease and creativity. Formal mindfulness skills (meditation, yoga, body scan) and information about stress, communication, and wellness become your tools for greater health and enthusiasm for life. Participants will be encouraged to engage in daily practice exercises outside of class.
Orientation: Thursday, May 31 (5 p.m.)

Class:  Thursdays, June 7-July 26 (5-7 p.m.)

Full day retreat: Saturday, July 14 (9 a.m.-4 p.m.)

Cost: $40($20 refunded if you attend 7 of 8 classes).

For more information go to or to register, contact Dr. Lynn Rossy.

Eat for Life now enrolling
Discover the benefits of this innovative approach to weight management.  This ten week program uses mind-body practices (meditations and yoga), the principles of mindful and intuitive eating, skills training, and group support to guide you in making lifestyle changes that will help you create a healthier relationship to your food, mind, and body. If you have a history of chronic dieting, have rigid “healthy” rules about eating, or find yourself eating when you’re stressed, bored, or unhappy, this may be the program for you.  This non-judgmental, non-diet approach helps you use your internal physical cues to guide what and when you eat. Books and recordings are provided with the course.

Online Course:

Orientation: Week of June 1
Classes:  Week of June 8 through August 10
Cost:  $50, $25 to be refunded with full participation in discussion board

There are two ways to enroll:
1.    Register with credit card by calling the Healthy for Life office at (573) 884-1312 by May 23 so we have time to send you your books.

2.    Send $50 check made payable to Healthy for Life to Lynn Rossy, 205 Heinkel Building by May 23 so we have time to send you your books. Please send the registration form at the end of this email with your payment.

Healthy for Life’s regular 10 week program on creating a healthy relationship with your food, body, and mind is now a course you can take online in your own home.  Video and audio components teach you the foundational mindfulness practices (meditation and yoga) and the BASICS of Mindful Eating.

This is an exciting opportunity to take a class in the comfort of your own home.  All you need is a computer and, of course, the time to commit to taking the class.  Everyone that signs up will be going through the class at the same time.  You will have a week to complete each section.  There are practice exercises to complete each day.  All is completely explained on Blackboard once you get signed in.

Read what participants have to say about the class:

“EFL has been a transformational experience…my relationship to food has changed dramatically.  I actually think about food much less than before — now it’s rarely on my mind until I begin to experience hunger.  And I am savoring my food infinitely more…EFL embodies an intuitive, gracious approach to living, and I am captivated by the gentleness and kindness inherent in the process.”
–Linda Dyer
“It is amazing that 10 weeks have gone past…I will use the “make peace with food” for a long time to come, that has been the most successful tip. I don’t have forbidden food, or food that is “bad”. I can have it just in the quantity that will satisfy…I thank you for the insight and the motivation.  You have made this a successful experience that has changed my life.”

–Amy Hampton

Eat for Life Registration Questionnaire for Online Course

Name:   ________________________________________

Pawprint/USER ID:  ________________________________________

Campus (Please check you campus location):
______ Columbia
______ UMKC
______ Rolla
______ UMSL


Mail my books to the following campus mailing address:


For community members only, my home mailing address is:


Participation ( CHECK ONE)

______ I am new to the Eat for Life course.

______ I have previously completed the Eat for Life course and am retaking it.

______ I have previously taken a portion of the Eat for Life course but dropped out and am now retaking it.


University of Missouri – Columbia
Healthy for Life
Attn:  Lynn Rossy
205 Heinkel Building
Columbia, MO  65211

Show Me State Games deadlines approaching
The Show-Me State Games and the Missouri State Senior Games are coming up soon, don’t miss the deadline.

Deadlines are quickly approaching for the Show-Me State Games of the Midwest, scheduled for June 8-10 in Columbia.
•    3v3 Soccer  Deadline May 31
•    Adult Soccer Deadline May 27
•    Adult Basketball Deadline May 27
•    Swimming  Deadline June 1
The second two weekends of the Show-Me STATE GAMES are scheduled for July 20-22 and July 27-29.  For our full list of sports for all ages and ability levels, please visit

Library Assembly Meeting Minutes, April 24

Attending- Members: Gary Cox, Mark Ellis, Karen Witt, PT Martin, June DeWeese, Laura Buck, Mary Hainen, Stephen Clayton, Dana Houston, Libby Myer, Anne Barker, Stephen Stanton. Ex officio: Deb Ward, Ann Riley, Jim Cogswell. Guest: Nathan Marticke

  • MU Libraries Director of Development Nathan Marticke –introduced himself to the Assembly.
    • Nathan started at MU Libraries on March 5, 2012.
    • Most recently was Regional Director of Development at William Jewell College, Liberty, MO.
    • He was born and raised in Missouri.
    • Worked at University of Central Florida.
    • Has been a fundraising for higher education since he graduated college.
    • Undergraduate degree from Northwest Missouri State University (in Maryville) in Marketing.
    • Graduate degree from Park University (Parkville, MO) in Communication and Leadership.
    • Looks forward to the new campaign and working with everyone.
    • Nathan finds “making connections” the most rewarding aspect of fundraising.
    • His first impression of MU Libraries is that it is filled with highly dedicated individuals.
      • He was struck by the number of employees who have been here for many years.
        • That speaks very highly of the Libraries.
  • Director Announcements – Jim Cogswell:
  • Mizzou Center in Blue Springs, MO.
    • An “outpost” in the KC area.
      • Will soon be breaking ground for a new 30,000 ft. building.
      • There will be a library/information center.
        • MU Libraries were invited to partner with Mid-Continent Public Library to create/share a library presence.
    • UMKC chose not to take part.
      • They see this as a Mizzou centered outpost.
        • Different from UMKC mission/degree specialty.
      • Many institutions have similar centers in Kansas City already.
        • And around the state in Metro areas/centers.
          • Including MU – and more are likely.
  • Council of Deans/Provost Staff retreat planned for August, 2012.
    • The two groups will hold a joint retreat this year to look at MU Progress in relation to its strategic plan.
  • New Mizzou capital campaign to begin soon.
    • There is a new Vice Chancellor For Development and Alumni Relations –  Thomas Hiles.
  • MU Library Society Dinner took place April 13th – guest speaker Nick Basbanes.
    • Well received – he is an authority on books/book collecting.
  • Friends of the Library Luncheon was held, April 14th.
    • Speaker: Gary Ellis – expert in Missouri music since the Civil war.
    • Friends of the Libraries Presented awards to Stuckey Essay contest winners.
    • They also presented awards for the second annual undergraduate research essay contest.
  • The Libraries will seek to fill the Library Human Resources Coordinator position.
    • Some consideration will be given to the role of this position at the Libraries.
    • Employees can turn to Sheena Waggoner for HR matters after Leo leaves and until the position is filled.
  • MU Libraries has co-sponsored a visit from poet Toi Derricotte this week in honor of National Poetry Month.
    • Ms. Derricotte visited the classes of Dr. Cornelius Eady, MU English Department, yesterday, April 23rd.
    • Today, April 24th, she performed a reading in Ellis Library and will take part in events this evening at the Berlin Theatre (Café Berlin – on Orr St.).
    • Other sponsors included:
      • The MU Chancellor’s Distinguished Visitor’s Program.
      • Cave Canem.
      • MU Theater Department.
  • MU Libraries will be receiving Chinese Language and Culture Books as a gift from the Confucius Institute at the end of May, 2012.
  • Staff Representative Committee – PT Martin.
    • SRC was active in the past but has drifted for a while.
    • As the most recently elected chair, PT would like to revive the committee and help identify a new role.
      • Original SRC was linked to Library Council.
      • Somewhat recently established Library Assembly takes on the communication role that, at one time, was assigned to SRC.
      • Miscellaneous feedback indicates that there may still be a role for SRC at MU Libraries (ombudsman role, welcoming new employees, etc.).
      • Survey should give a better indicator.
  • Elaine Huntsucker of the Cataloging department has helped put together a survey for MU Libraries employees.
    • Gets a sense of employees’ perception of SRC.
    • What they would like to see SRC’s role become.
    • Survey should go out this week.
    • Jim Cogswell applauds the effort.
  • General Announcements:
    • Laura Buck – Veterinary Medicine: Reconfiguration update:
      • Central room/area cleared out.
      • Will be working with designer Cindy Curnutte soon.
      • Interesting items found during move.
        • Sent to Archives.
  • Anne Barker – MULAC:  Jim Cogswell evaluation is complete.
    • Results will be delayed since Jim and Provost have not yet met to discuss.
    • They had planned to meet 4/23 but the Provost was forced to cancel at the last second.
  • Deb Ward – RAIS:
    • Events:
      • MU Libraries will host guests from Washington University, in St. Louis.
        • Will be accompanied by a visiting Librarian from South Africa.
      • Federal Depository 150th Anniversary Event, Thursday, May 3rd, at 1:30 pm.
    • Positions:
      • Working out the specifics and hoping to post a Clinical Veterinary Medicine Librarian soon.
        • Working in cooperation with Vet School.
      • E-learning librarian position – Hoping to post fulltime position soon.
        • Annelise Freeman has temporarily held that position.
        • Working in cooperation with Jim Spain in Undergraduate Studies office.
  • June DeWeese – Access Services.
    • Circulation offices, Reserve and ILL areas (Rooms 102, 103 and 101) are scheduled have furniture moved in on May 15th.
      • Both the return of damaged furniture as well as new replacement items.
      • Will be second day of intersession (a busy processing time for Access Services).

[UPDATE – from June DeWeese: The return/delivery of Access Services furniture will take place approximately a week later than was reported.]

  • Ann Riley – Access, Collections and Technical Services:
    • Digitization Interest Group – Felicity Dykas and Kelli Hansen have started a Digitization Interest Group. (Second meeting was today).
    • Collections Budget – there has been a lot of collections budget talk lately.
      • Gaps in the FY 2012 have been covered.
      • FY 2013 will have some serious deficits in the collections budget.
        • Due to journal inflation.
        • Options being considered:
          • Utilizing more Demand Driven Acquisitions (while refining auto approvals profiles).
          • Cancelling less used journals.
          • Altering how we order monographic series.
          • More news soon as discussions continue.
    • OPEN Positions – Two searches in her area (ACTS) underway – both are going well with many applicants.
      • Assistant Head of Access Services.
      • Metadata Catalog librarian.
    • New scanner on trial in Cataloging Dept.
      • Library Employees are welcome to come by and take a look.
  • PT Martin – LTS:
    • A copy machine has been set up as a scanner as well as a copier.
      • In the foyer of 52 Ellis Library
      • Can scan large quantities.
      • Can interpret some items.
      • Is on a computer from where material can be emailed, or saved in various formats.
      • Specific questions should go to Kathy Peters.
    • Kick scanner in Information Commons still available for casual scanning.
      • Material can be emailed or saved to a flash stick drive.
  • Stephen Stanton – Geology Library:
    • Geology Development Board Event this week.
      • Stephen will attend.
      • This group has provided funds for Geology databases.
  • May meeting:
    • Date will likely change to May 15th
      • Jim is out of town on May 22.
      • If no objections, Mark will look into changing the date to May 15th, at 1 pm.
  • Pat Jones, Head of Ellis Library Security, will be in attendance.
  • Gary Cox asks members to please look over Library Assembly Proposal (upon which we have been acting in place of a policy or charge) for possible revisions.

Hello to Lars Hagelin

Hello to Lars Hagelin, Senior Communications Officer, Greater Western Library Alliance*. Lars completed his MLS from SISLT in 1982; he received a Bachelor’s Degree in History from the University of Missouri—Kansas City (1980). Lars’ work experience includes communications, training and custom cataloging for MLNC (Missouri Library Network Corporation), as well as cataloging and policy documentation for the Mid-Continent Public Library in Independence. Lars worked at Ellis Library for several years in the early 1980s, in Access Services and in Technical Services.

*Lars’ position is funded 100% by GWLA. The position was developed by GWLA and hired by GWLA. The position works to support Joni Blake, Executive Director of GWLA, KC,MO.