Please Donate to MULSA Holiday Food Drive

Please consider donating to the Holiday Food Drive benefiting the Columbia Area Food Bank and Second Chance.  We have until Thursday, December 13th, to fill the Food Bank tub sitting next to my desk in the Acquisitions Dept.  I promised the Food Bank that we could do it, but I need your help!  A gift card to the University Book Store is at stake, the winner to be announced at the Winter Holiday Party on Friday, December 14th.  Details of the number of raffle tickets received per item donated is explained below.  We accept cash donations, and checks made out to the Columbia Area Food Bank and Second Chance.  You will receive DOUBLE the raffle tickets for monetary donations.

Branches:  Do you need help in getting your donations to Ellis?  Please let me know at 884-2368 or and I will help you out.

If I am not at my desk, Colleen Smith in Cataloging (884-8757, will assist you.

I know we can do this.  The people of MU Libraries are generous to a fault!

Sue Barnes
MULSA Community Service Chair

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