MERLIN Advisory Committee meeting (rescheduled from December 6, 2012)
December 17, 2012
3:00-4:30 pm
Ellis 4F51A
Agenda (Send additional items or questions to Felicity Dykas and Judy Maseles)
1) MERLIN redesign update
2) Review of pending indexing changes and issues
* Tables of contents
* Changes to limits that are still pending
* Series in MOBIUS; sometimes a hotlink and sometimes not
3) Review MERLIN scoping table
* Review scoping of locations in item, checkin, and order records to bibliographic locations. These impact the MERLIN Specific Library location limit (
* There are some inconsistencies in our scoping. See some recommended changes and questions:
5) RDA – new cataloging rules
* New fields that you may see in records
6) Committee reports
* Activities, open tickets, etc.
7) Sierra planning
* Sierra implementation is scheduled for February 19, 2013. We may have more information by the meeting.
8) III products – using our points; plus there is a 50% discount on some products if purchased before Dec. 31, 2012