Action and Information Items from Library Management Team 10/23/12

Present: Jim Cogswell, Ann Riley, Mike Holland, Deb Ward.  Guest: Ernest Shaw.  Support: Mark Ellis

ACTION ITEM:  LMT resolves to create a new User Services Analyst – entry level position and seek permission to post internally.  If filled by an internal candidate, LMT will request permission to fill the formerly held position.  The staffing plan will be updated. This position will report to LTS and will provide general computer support in Ellis Library and the branches.

INFORMATION ITEM: The search committee for the Library HR Manager will hold interviews for their top candidates in November.  They hope to make a recommendation in early December 2012.

INFORMATION ITEM:  Jim Cogswell has been invited to accompany a delegation from MU Chancellor’s Office to South Africa on a visit to the University of Western Cape (January 2013).

ACTION ITEM:  Ann Riley was designated to work with the salvage team to finalize some quick reference documents related to the Disaster Preparedness, Response and Recovery Manual.

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