Nov. and Dec. Webinars on Digitization and Text Mining

Role of Long-Term Storage in Digital Curation
Sponsor: ALA Association for Library Collections and Technical Services
November 14. 1:00-2:00 pm
Ellis 4F51A

Introduces considerations for the long-term storage of digital content selected for preservation. This content must be stored in ways that align with good practice. The session addresses issues related to the development of storage management policies, including file formats for deposit and preservation, the preservation of multiple copies, the locations of those copies, the characteristics of those locations, and the means for meeting long‐term storage requirements.  (Description from website)

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Text Mining Opportunities and Challenges

Sponsor:  Center for Research Libraries
Wednesday, December 5, 10:00-11:00 am
Ellis 4F51A

Text mining enables researchers to extract valuable information and data from large bodies of text, but also presents formidable technical and intellectual property challenges for libraries. This CRL webinar explores recent trends in text mining, and how publishers and libraries are responding to those challenges. Presenters from Elsevier and Gale Cengage, as well as collection development experts, will discuss:

  • * the types of resources being “mined”, including e-journal databases and digitized newspapers and archives
  • * recent text-mining projects
  • * the challenges and issues these present for database publishers
  • * what role, if any, libraries can play to support these activities
  • * what new services are envisioned and what is in the pipeline.
  • (Description from website)

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