Webinar: RDA for the Non-Cataloger, and more

Catalogers throughout the United States (and beyond) are changing the cataloging rules they use from AACR2 to RDA (Resource Description and Access).  We are already adding RDA records from WorldCat to MERLIN and the Catalog Department is preparing to transition to the new rules, too, following the Library of Congress which has announced its target date for RDA implementation as March 31, 2013.  These webinars will give all an introduction to the new cataloging rules.

RDA for the Non-Cataloger: What’s In It for You?
October 31, 2012 – 1:00-2:00
Ellis 4F51A

Many libraries will be implementing Resource Description & Access (RDA) early in 2013. What will this mean for technical services and other library staff? How are RDA records different from AACR2 records? This webinar provides a general overview of the changes in RDA, particularly those affecting staff in technical services and those noticeable in the OPAC. No knowledge of current cataloging standards or MARC required! This session does not teach how to catalog with RDA, but it can be a useful foundation for catalogers new to RDA as well as other library staff and administrators.


RDA in 10 Easy Steps
November 28, 2012 – 1:00-2:00
Ellis 4F51A

Resource Description and Access (RDA) is the successor to the cataloging rules, AACR2. RDA completely revamps the structure of the cataloging instructions by closely following the entity-relationship model used to construct databases. However, as complex as these changes are, they can be reduced to ten easy steps. Join in on a walkthrough of the new structure. A demonstration of how a simple book can be cataloged with RDA helps catalogers understand the new structure and makes it easier to navigate RDA and find related instructions for other resources.


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