Action/Information Items from Library Management Team 9/18/12

Attending: Jim Cogswell, Ann Riley, Deb Ward, Mike Holland.  (Support: Mark Ellis)

Information item:  Jim Cogswell reported from UM Library Directors TelePresence Meeting (9/18 – 10 am). There is a growing need for streaming server on all four campuses = Directors will discuss more with Gary Allen.  The Directors discussed funding possibilities of shared digital resources.

Information Item:  Jim Cogswell discussed his annual review by Provost Foster. It was a positive/strong review which Jim feel was really a positive/strong review of the Libraries. LMT urged him to share with Library Staff as a compliment to their efforts/accomplishments.

Action Item:  LMT resolves to Post the Consolidated Goals and Objectives Accomplishments Document for all-staff feedback.

Action item: LMT has designated Anne Barker the Library Digital Humanities Liaison for this project for at least the next two semesters.

Information Item:  LMT discussed the Digital Cataloger position and its priority in the overall Library staffing plan.  Further discussion in MULAC and later LMT meetings expected.

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