Action and Information Items from Library Management Team 10/2/12

Attending: Jim Cogswell, Deb Ward, Michael Holland, Ann Riley. (Support: Mark Ellis)

Information Item:  Deb Ward was given more information about the MU Medical Campus being created in Springfield, MO.  Will apparently open in 5 years.  A class/cohort that begins in Columbia in 2015 will finish in Springfield. Funding has supposedly set aside for Library electronic resources and staffing to help support.  LMT is concerned about the lack of MU Libraries feedback requested/sought during the planning stages of the Library aspect of this initiative.

Information item:  LMT continued to discuss staffing plan.  Specifically discussed:  new support staff positions, the number of positions and placement in the phases.  After discussion of a wide range of topics (including how positions could be shared, reassigned, etc.), it was decided to keep three positions in phase three for now.  Subject to ongoing discussions.

Information Item: LMT discussed emerging possible positions and staffing needs that are not reflected/addressed in the current staffing plan.

  • Technology assistant for patrons of Journalism Library.
  • Mizzou Advantage Library Liaison position – 50% FTE, currently vacant.
  • Graphic Designer.
  • Others….

Information Item:  Jim Cogswell and Mike Holland met with Heiddi Davis, Director of Space Planning/Management, again, to discuss Archives moving back in Ellis Library.

Information item:  LMT further discussed the creation of a Digitization Department.

One comment on “Action and Information Items from Library Management Team 10/2/12

  1. About that possible move of Archives to Ellis…where on the continuum between “in a nebulou possible future scenario with lots of conditions” and “gonna happen for sure” does this lie? And is it tied to an eventual move of State Historical out of the Ellis basement, or is there a possibility the space currently part of Ellis Library will need to house the material and personnel of the Archives? Or will the material be housed off-site and the people be in Ellis?

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