HR Manager Search Committee
The Search Committee for the HR Manager position is comprised of Deb Ward, Chair, and Jackie Blonigen, Cindy Cotner, Gary Cox, Karen Eubanks, Rebecca Graves, Michael Hopkins, and PT Martin.
The job announcement was posted on the University HR web page in August, and several candidates have been identified from the initial posting. This week the vacancy was extended till October 15th to broaden the search with the Missouri Library Association and the AMIGOS Library Consortium.
You are able to view the job description at MU Libraries Employment Opportunities web page then click on HR Manager.
The Search Committee has met several times, and the next meeting is scheduled for October 17. The Search Committee will schedule interviews to begin in either late October or early November, and hopes to wrap up the interviews by the end of November.
Pardon, everyone, I note a typo here. The closing date for applications for this position is October 15.