An Invitation From the MU Libraries Diversity Action Committee

You are invited to a short presentation by Dr. Laurel Wilson on “Bronco Riding Women.” This will be an illustration of what these women did and wore while they lived as bronco riders. The event will take place at 12:00 p.m. on April 12 in front of the east display cabinet located in the colonnade area. Dr. Wilson is Professor & Curator of the Missouri Historic Costume & Textile Collection, Department of Textile and Apparel Management.

RSPV’s are not required. Release time is available with supervisor approval.

Student Excellence Award – Call for Nominations

Nominations are being solicited for the spring 2012 Student Excellence Award. The purpose of the award is to recognize those student assistants who are dedicated, creative, and/or industrious. Any student assistant employed in any MU Libraries department is eligible for consideration. The recipient will receive a certificate of appreciation which will be presented to the student in his/her own department.*

The nomination deadline is Friday, April 20. The award will be announced before the end of the semester. Please forward nominations to Leo Agnew, 104 Ellis Library. The nomination form can be found at

The criteria for the award follows::

  1. This award is to be given to a student who exceeds in quality and/or quantity the expectations for his/her position, and who has made exceptional or outstanding contributions to the achievement of a department’s goals and objectives.
  2. The award may be given up to two students per semester.
  3. Students are nominated by any MU Libraries employee.
  4. This award is to be given to any student currently employed in the Libraries.

*You will notice the monetary award has been dropped. It is the hope of SDC that student recipients will still find value in being nominated for the award and that supervisors will want to recognize outstanding student assistants via this award.