Library Assembly, 3/20/2012

Attending: Members: Gary Cox (Chair), Laura Buck, Stephen Stanton, Stephen Clayton, Karen Witt, Libby Myre, Jack Batterson, June DeWeese, Mark Ellis, PT Martin Ex-Officio:  Deb Ward (LMT);  Jim Cogswell (LMT), Anne Barker (MULAC) Guest: Shannon Cary

  • Mark and Shannon sought feedback on the format of the MU Libraries Celebration of Service.
    • The 2012 Celebration of Service will take place on May 24th, 11:30 am-1:30 pm, in the Grand Reading Room, 201 Ellis Library.
    • Discussion ensued concerning department/constituent feedback.  Some of the comments included:
      • Can the notable anniversaries be published prior to the event.
        • Some of the celebrants don’t realize they are being recognized.
          • Work Anniversary dates at the University can be hard to formalize (especially if an employee transferred or worked for the university at two different times during their carreer).
          • Shannon will look into how Leo assembles his list of employees with monumental anniversaries.
      • Top Ten List – After brief discussion it was resolved that the Library Assembly will help Jim read off the top ten list again this year.
      • Mixer/Games -Some feedback from the employees suggested mixing up the seating so that employees are encouraged to visit with colleagues that work in different departments.
      • Flowers, plants and/or take away items – Some discussion took place regarding the tradition of giving out boutonnières/corsages to the anniversary employees.
        • Some felt this was an old fashioned practice that could be replaced with giving plants or some type of take-away gift that might last longer or be more meaningful.
        • It was also noted that not everyone likes plants/flowers.
        • Shannon Cary will consider the feedback and various options.
      • It was noted that MULSA provides food for the Celebration of Service and that without their participation the event would not be nearly as festive and as anticipated as it is.  (Thanks, MULSA!)
  • Development of a Web Based Ellis Library Room Calendar underway – Shannon and Mark presented the prototype of what may soon be a web based system to calendar the Ellis Library Conference rooms, classrooms, and event space.
    • The program is the same shareware that the Reference Department uses to book the student study rooms (it has been successful for that purpose).
    • The web based system would provide a single virtual place for MU Library employees to see what rooms are available.
      • An employee could also see what is scheduled throughout the library – thereby acting as an internal Library calendar.
      • A column could be added to note library sponsored events taking place outside the library (at Branch Libraries, Memorial Union, etc.).
      • LTS is exploring ways to control who can schedule rooms that are overseen by certain departments or entities – Ellis Library Colonnade, Ellis Library Staff Lounge, Instruction Rooms, etc.
    • The overall guidelines for reserving rooms would not greatly change, but the proposed shift over to this web based program promises some exciting advantages over what we currently use (Outlook).
    • To see a prototype of the calendar developed by LTS, log onto the Ellis Library External Event Calendar from the Staff Web Page:
    • More information on the development of this calendar to be relayed soon.
      • So far reception has been positive.
      • To be implemented some time over the summer.
  • Student fee update
    • MSA (Missouri Student Association) and the GPC (Graduate Professional Council) have designated students to work with a team from the MU Libraries to develop a Student Library Fee proposal.
      • The goal is to have the issue appear on a ballot in the Fall Missouri Students general election.
    • Jim would welcome volunteers from the Library Assembly to join the Library representatives who will be meeting with these students.
      • Jim also plans to approach the MU Librarians and Archivist Council (MULAC) to ask for volunteers.
      • The meeting with the students will take place the first week in April.
        • On a weekday, likely around 5-6:30 pm.
      • Jim is considering 5-6 Library Representatives total.
    • Discussion ensued about the role of Library employees on this committee.
      • Jim: to help get a feel for what the students want.
        • To help draft a proposal in such a way to show students how a fee will help provide what they want.
    • Discussion ensued about:
      • How to spread awareness of the many things the library provide for students that they already have without charge.
        • And how they may be threatened due to budget restraints.
      • If student employees present at these meetings might help spread awareness through their informed perspective.
      • About whether or not pithy examples (comments or data) might be helpful.
    • Send all volunteers, self-nominations and/or suggestions to Jim Cogswell for consideration.
  • Future meetings: Gary Cox
    • Development officer  to be invited to next Library Assembly Meeting.
    • Also Julie Rogers from security may attend the May meeting to discuss the suggestion to have a Library Fire drill over the summer and to discuss the Active Threat Training that has been taking place in the Library.
    • Jim Cogswell cannot attend May 22 Library Assembly meeting.
      • Gary may be in touch about rescheduling.
  • Announcements:
    • Anne Barker – MULAC:  Jim’s evaluation coming up.
      • Deans are evaluated every 5 years.
      • Provost office has a standard form that MULAC was able to modify for the library.
      • Survey Monkey will be used.
      • An email with the link to come out after spring break.
      • When finished the numerical data will be available.
      • The questions with (anonymous) comments will only be viewable by the Provost and Jim.
    • Deb Ward – Ellis RAIS and HSL.
      • HSL – lounge renovation is complete.
        • Funds have run short in construction
        • We are in Middle of phase one – it will be completed.
          • Moving stuff out, creating study rooms.
        • Other plans are back to the drawing board.
      • HSL – Literature in health care – Robin Blake is going to help pick out some titles.
      • Ellis RAIS – MU Libraries – Faculty Lecture series:
        • April 4th:  Carol Ward – Where did we come from.
        • April 19th: Doug Randal
      • Ellis RAIS- Government Documents will hold an event May 3rd to celebrate 150th Anniversary of being a Federal Repository.
        • Mary Alice Baish, The Superintendent of the National Repository (in Washington, DC), will be here with other Government dignitaries.
        • A program, open to the public, will be held 1:30-2:30 p.m.
      • E-Learning  – MU Libraries is asking for extension on Annelise Freeman’s E-Learning Position (co-funded by the Undergraduate School)
        • Hoping to extend two months (to end of June).
        • Annelise is making progress on the fulltime E-Learning position description.
  • PT – LTS – New staff machines will be arriving soon.
    • To be replaced: Staff white Macs and Dell 745s.
    • Paid for by desktop enhancement funds.
    • June DeWeese – Access services
      • Brooke Shannon – starts working full time next week.
      • There have been many applications for Assistant Head of Access Services.

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