Yesterday, the MRI crew finished work relating to our Reference and Documents collections. The crew may return to store the shelves and supports that were generated as a result of our reduced footprint, but this is a separate issue that does not impact our collections directly.
Now that the “dust has settled,” there will be some corrections, tweaking and refinements to bring the collections up to a certain level. These include shelf reading, producing end panel labels, producing “pull-out tray” labels, etc. Some tasks have been delegated to begin.
For orientation purposes, here are some of the main points:
- The Reference print collection begins with the “A” classification on the north side, and ends with the “Z” classification on the south side.
- Because there are no counter shelf ranges in this new Reference collection footprint to serve as countertops, there are now pull-out trays distributed throughout for this purpose. There is always one of these trays within 10 feet of any location point, either on the north side or the south side of each range. Most ranges have both sides covered.
- The ERIC and FDLP microfiche cabinets are now on the north end of the Documents print collection.
- Unique microfiche sets are near the windows on the east and on the outside north wall of the Documents office. For example, the TIM (Tests In Microfiche) cabinet is near a window.
- A microfiche reader is near a window, close to the bulk of the microfiche collection.
Items to be moved:
- The scanner/digitizer is to be moved near the microfiche reader, but the electrical outlet near an appropriate table needs to be activated.
- The Adaptive Workstation will be returned to its original location after reading tables west of the Documents office have been relocated.
I’ll keep you posted as changes occur.