Library Assembly Meeting Minutes, Jan. 26

Library Assembly
4F51A Ellis Library

Attending: Members: Gary Cox (Chair), Laura Buck, Michelle Baggett (proxy for Branches), Karen Witt, Libby Myre, Jack Batterson, Stephen Stanton, June DeWeese, Mark Ellis, Matt Stottle Ex-Officio:  Deb Ward (LMT); Mike Holland (LMT),  Ann Riley (LMT), Jim Cogswell (LMT), Ann Barker (MULAC)

  • Announcements
    • Library Director Jim Cogswell:
      • Library Director of Development Search interviews continue this week:
        • Friday, January 27th
        • Wednesday, February 1st
        • Everyone is encouraged to attend the Candidate Open Meetings, 12:30  – 1:30 pm, 159 Ellis Library
      • The Libraries’ Annual Budget Review meeting with the Provost’s Office Staff was rescheduled for a later date at the request of the Provost’s Office.
      • Sobering discussions took place this week at the Council of Deans regarding the University Budget after statements from the Governor, during the State of the State address, in which he indicated there would be a 12.5% decrease in state appropriations for Higher Education.
        • According to Tim Rooney, MU Budget Director, the impact is estimated at $21 million dollar reduction for the Columbia campus.
        • Represents a 25% reduction over past 3 years.
      • Ellis Library first floor women’s restroom will be remodeled over the summer.
        • Work to begin soon after commencement.
        • Hope to have the room open by start of Classes in the Fall.
      • A forum on the Ellis Library fire took place on January 10, 2012.
        • Jim reminds all employees that release time will be granted to anyone who would like to utilize the MU Employee Assistance Program (EAP) to talk through or otherwise deal with personal issues related to the fire.
    • June DeWeese – Access Services:
      • Five (5) Ear sensors have been made available for check out from Ellis Library Reserves.  They are part of a campus program that submit biofeedback information to computers on campus.
        • Two hour check-out period.
        • Intended for students who have participated in an orientation/training
      • Access has two half-time positions open.
        • Interest has been shown.
    • Deb Ward Head of HSL and Interim Associate Director of RAIS:
      • Dorothy Carner helped submit an IMLS grant related to media output.
        • Title: Curation Center for Digital News Media.
        • Other players: Archives, School of Journalism, Kate Anderson.
      • HSL staff lounge closes as of today for renovation.
      • Open position in HSL-ILL.
    • Ann Riley, Associate Director of Technical Services.
      • Technical Services has formalized the creation of a Digitization Department.
  • Introduction/Update from the Collection Steering Committee (CSC) – Ann Riley
    • Formerly the CDC – Collection Development committee.
      • Changed somewhere near 2009 and reduced number of membership.
    • Charge: to oversee policies, advise on budget matters.
    • Recent activities:
      • Initiated a monthly meeting of selectors.
      • Working on: demand-driven acquisitions.
        • Loading (into MERLIN) bibliographic records of books NOT acquired through “approval plan”.
        • When the book is looked up in MERLIN, a note will appear saying if you want this book click here – if a books button is clicked three times, the book will automatically be ordered.
  • Policy on Policies – Mike Holland, University Archivist and Director of SCARaB.
    • Jim asked Mike to look at MU Libraries policy manual and policy process in general.
    • Mike discovered, as expected, a large need to revise/review.
      • Policies reflect a former management structure.
      • Refer to Library Council which no longer exists. And SRC – an entity whose status is unknown.
      • Mike started by drafting a new version of Policy 1 – Policy Formation. (Copies where distributed.)
        • The root of the policy stays close to “spirit” of original.
          • Terminology and management structure references updated.
          • Policy recommendations and recommendations to review current policy can come from anywhere.
          • Review of policy drafts will be vetted with Library Assembly.
          • Library Management Team will approve and Director will have ultimate say.
          • Mark will post Policy on MU Library Staff Web Page for review.

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