Holiday Adopt-a-Family

It’s that time again, the “holidays”.  Can you believe how early they started the commercials!  And here I am adding to the frenzy.  But isn’t it a nice way to begin the season, helping those who have less to look forward to?  This year we are sponsoring two families: Yesenia and Juan Carlos and their sons Angel and Alexander; and George and Amanda and their daughter Qiriona and son Latrale.  See the MULSA page for the wish list:

Our delivery date is December 12th, which means we need your donations here by the 7th so that we can do any extra shopping and wrap it all on the 9th. The VAC discourages the adults in a family from asking for personal items so I’ve added gift cards for them.

If you’d like a printable list, I can email you a spreadsheet.  I’ll be sending around donation envelopes as well for the shopping challenged.  If you enjoy wrapping presents, please join us in the Cataloging Dept. on the 9th.

Thanks, Ruthe or 884-8757

Winter Preparations

  • Campus Facilities has a Winter Management Plan.  It is their job to organize and implement this plan, especially during severe weather situations.
  • Campus Facilities coordinates with other departments on campus, the City of Columbia, MoDot, and Boone County
  • Note: only the Chancellor or Provost can cancel classes.  Even when classes are canceled, other departments and activities are/will stay open during regular business hours.
  • Campus Facilities does have set priorities for snow removal.  This can be viewed at .  Priorities include:
  1. University Hospital & Clinics drives and roadways, including:
    1. i.      Emergency room entries and driveways
    2. ii.      Helipad and access walks
    3. iii.      Dean’s Drive and Loading Dock Drive
    4. i.      Major thoroughfares
    5. ii.      Minor thoroughfares
    1. Campus building entrances and steps
    2. Disabled parking areas and shuttle-bus shelters in parking lots SG4, AV14, RP10 and CG1
    3. Campus sidewalks
    1. Delivery and unloading zones
    2. University-owned thoroughfares, as conditions require
    3. Parking lots, when accumulation is greater than 3 inches

The MU Recreation Trail will not be cleared after a winter weather event.

  • Campus Facilities prioritizes sidewalks by estimated usage
  • Campus Facilities is utilizing contractors to help clean parking lots, which will help reduce time to get them cleared
  • If you have any questions or problems, please contact Campus Facilities Customer Service Center at 882-8211

Webinar: ISSN and You

ALCTS Webinar: ISSN and You: Using ISSN SuperNumber in the Digital Environment
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
9:00-10:00 am
Ellis 4F51A

Learn about the work of the U.S. ISSN Center and ways the International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) contributes to identification, access, and data linking in print and digital environments worldwide. ISSN is the premier international identifier for serials and other continuing resources in all formats. ISSN was ahead of its time in anticipating the crucial role of identifiers in the digital environment and has evolved well beyond its early role as a number displayed on print journals. Demand for ISSN continues to increase because of its ability to identify and facilitate linking to current, long-dead, or yet-to-be published continuing resources today and in the future semantic web.

Speaker:  Regina Romano Reynolds, ISSN Coordinator at the Library of Congress and director of the US ISSN Center

–Felicity Dykas

Holiday Food Drive

MULSA will be sponsoring a food drive and contest to benefit the Columbia Area Food Bank, as well as Second Chance (for animals), beginning this Friday, November 18th and culminating on Thursday, December 15th, just before the Winter Holiday Party.  We will provide each department and branch that wishes to participate with donation boxes, or you can obtain boxes at the loading dock and/or in copy service.  Over the next four weeks we encourage library staff to bring in and donate non-perishable food items, or, if you prefer, cash.  At the annual Holiday Party we’ll announce the two departments or branches that have donated the most items.  There will be prizes for those who have donated the most pounds in food items, and the most in cash.  Let’s fill those boxes up!

If you have any questions please contact Steve Clayton at the Journalism Library, 882-7502, or

United Way Campaign Reminder

Dear Colleagues,

Saturday, November 19th is the official close of the MU Libraries 2011 United Way Campaign.  We are delighted to announce that many of us have pledged and contributed to the effort.  For that generosity we have the sincere gratitude of the numerous charities that comprise the United Way.  There are still a few of us who have no doubt thought about joining in this communitywide effort but have just not found the few  seconds required  to actually complete the process.  If that is true for you, we urge you please to find those few seconds now.

You can go to the United Way link to pledge online   Or if you prefer, contact Mark Ellis (104 Ellis Library), Mary Hainen, Ann Riley or Paula Roper. Anyone of these individuals would be delighted to assist.  You might think that what you have to share is very minimal and the need is so great.  However by giving through the United Way, our small gifts are amplified.  Just a few dollars to the United Way accomplishes the phenomenal: feeding the hungry, guiding the young, sheltering the homeless, clothing the naked, assisting the sick . .

Also don’t forget that participation in the campaign makes you eligible for prizes donated by the United Way leadership team.  Moreover employees of the MU libraries who pledge by November 18, 2011 will have their names entered in a drawing for these gifts as well:

  • A $10 Bookmark Café gift certificate
  • Concert series tickets
  • A $25 campus bookstore gift certificate
  • $100

Thanks to everyone who has pledged and those of you who will pledge.

Yours united,

Mary Hainen              Anne Riley                             Paula Roper

The MU Libraries 2011 United Way Tri-Chairs

Director’s Calendar: Nov, 14-18, 2011

Notable meetings from the calendar of Jim Cogswell, Director of MU Libraries

Tuesday, November 15th
Library Assembly, 1:00-2:00 pm, 4F51A Ellis Library

Library Management Team, 2:00-4:00 pm, TBD

Wednesday, November 16th

United Way Leadership Meeting, 7:30-9:00 am, City Hall

Thursday, November 17th
MU Advocacy Round Table, 1:30 – 3:00 pm,  Reynolds Alumni Center

Library Committee Meeting, 2:00-3:00 pm, 159 Ellis Library (Ann Riley to attend in Jim’s place)

Friday, November 18th
CRL Budget and Finance Committee Conference Call,  2:30 – 4:00 pm, Jim will call in from his office

Healthy for Life Update, Health Screenings Info

Health Screenings
The University of Missouri Total Rewards invites you to join Healthy for Life, an incentive-based wellness program designed to help you actively manage your health. By completing a personal health assessment and health screening, primary subscribers to the UM Health Care plan will receive $100 in a tax-favored account to use for medical expenses in 2012 Benefit Plan year.

This year, we’re partnering with Cerner Health to provide straightforward tools to help you work toward better health. You can participate in the program now. It’s simple. Here’s how:

  1. Create your Cerner Health account by visiting
  2. Enter your email address and join the program.
  3. Complete your personal health assessment – an online questionnaire that helps you understand your health risks and provides you with resources to improve your well-being.
  4. Schedule your FREE health screening at a convenient time and location on campus. Your health screening provide you a look at your cholesterol, blood sugar, blood pressure, height and weight. If your screening is before noon, fasting for 9 hours is recommended, but not required (6 hours if pregnant) and drinking 64 ounces of water the day before is suggested.

Did you know?

If you have had your annual physical since July 2011, you can complete the Doctor Screening Form and fax it in! it must be completed in its entirety to get credit. Except for the walk-in appointments at the Wellness Resource Center, appointments are via your Cerner Health account.

Date Time Location
Weekdays except Thursday (Healthcare employees only) 6:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Staff Health (University Hospital & Women’s and Children’s Hospital)
Tuesdays & Wednesdays (walk-ins only) 8-11 a.m. Wellness Resource Center, Room G202
Nov. 18 8-11 a.m. University Hospital, Missouri Psychiatric Center, Room 005
Dec. 1 8 a.m.-12 p.m. University Hospital, Missouri Psychiatric Center, Room 005
Dec. 6 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Heinkel Building, Room 202
Dec. 8 8 a.m.-12 p.m. University Hospital, Missouri Psychiatric Center, Room 005
Dec. 13 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Heinkel Building, Room 202
Dec. 15 8 a.m.-12 p.m. University Hospital, Missouri Psychiatric Center, Room 005
Dec. 20 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Heinkel Building, Room 202
Jan. 20 7:30-11 a.m. Ellis Fischel Cancer Center, Room 707

Workplace Fitness Opportunities

Take advantage of these classes that fit your budget. Full payment is due at the beginning of the first class and space is limited. Please contact the instructor directly to register or for questions. All classes are designed so that exercises can be performed in work clothes.

  • Hatha Yoga: Nov. 21-Dec. 19 at Missouri Psychiatric Center. Class meets on Mondays from 12:10-12:50 and costs $15 for the five-week session. Pre-registration is required. Must have 10 participants to begin the class. This is a welcoming environment and is perfect for those who may be suffering from arthritis, chronic disease, and minor joint discomfort, along with healthy individuals. To sign up, e-mail Kate Walker.
  • Hatha Yoga: Nov. 18-Dec. 9 at Missouri Psychiatric Center. Class meets on Fridays from 12:10-12:50 and costs $9 for the three-week session. Pre-registration is required. This is a welcoming environment and is perfect for those who may be suffering from arthritis, chronic disease, and minor joint discomfort, along with healthy individuals. To sign up, e-mail Kate Walker.

Library Assembly Meeting, Oct. 25, 2011

Attending:  June DeWeese, Matt Stottle, Deb Ward, Libby Myres, Stephen Clayton, Stephen Stanton, Ann Riley, Jack Batterson, Mark Ellis, PT Martin, Gary Cox, Karen Witt, Laura Buck, Jim Cogswell.

  • Ellis Library Fire Update– Jim Cogswell:
    • Two or three follow-up meetings will be planned in November:
      • One will be to reflect and say thanks.
        • Will focus on what we learned from the experience.
          • Open to all MU Library employees.
          • We will also invite MU and External groups who were involved in the fire/water damage response
            • Campus Facilities, MUPD, Environmental Safety, SERVPRO, etc.
        • Will also allow MU Libraries to say a final “Thanks” to everyone who was involved with the clean-up and recovery.
      • The other will be a facilitated meeting with J. Hunter and MU Employee Assistance Program(EAP).
        • Smaller meetings.
          • For anyone who would like to speak through their emotions and feelings of the event.
          • Two or more sessions will be scheduled based on need.
          • The dates of these meeting will depend partly on the EAP calendar.
  • Retirement plan benefits changes – Jack Batterson
    • Jack passed out a summary sheet that illustrated the proposed changes to current retirement plan that is being discussed by the Board of Curators.
      • New plan combines a Defined Benefit and Defined Contribution design.
        • Current retirement plan is a Defined benefit plan.
      • Plan affects anyone hired after Oct 1 2012.
      • We can invite a representative from UM Benefits to have a Library info session if we feel we need it.
        • Since affect only new employees, some wonder if there will be a need.
  • E-Learning Position – Deb Ward
    • MU Libraries has been working with Jim Spain, Vice Provost for Undergraduate Studies and Interim Vice Provost of eLearning, to create a halftime contract employee to work in E-Learning.
      • They have identified a successful candidate and hope to hire Annelise Freeman
      • Will work broadly with Instruction, web committee, and others on all things e-learning.
      • Position slated for 6 months as a trial.
      • A&S has partnered with library and Student Success Center to provide tutoring in Ellis Library for the past three years.
        • It has been a very successful collaboration relationship.
  • Health screening and Flu shots to be offered at various places and dates around campus.
    • This takes the place of the big health fair that has been held previous years.
      • It is free.
      • Bring Coventry insurance card.
      • This year, there is also a $100 HSA incentive award for making a Cerner health account.
        • 50 points questionnaire
        • 50 points health screening.
        • Deadline: April 2012.
    • Coming to Ellis Library Nov 8 – Colonnade.
  • Director’s Announcements:
    • 8th Annual Ellis Library Homecoming Open House took place Oct 15th.
      • 800+ visitors, Libraries provided Hotbox cookies.
      • Archives put on a first rate exhibit as back drop.
      • A lively event.
    • Development Director Search.
      • Two formal interviews with open presentation/Q&A Sessions  for MUL employees to attend.
      • Up to two more candidate visits possible.
      • Evaluation forms out soon.

UPDATE: Concerning the Development Director search MU Libraries and the Development Office have decided to re-open and re-post the position in order to attract a broader pool of candidates.

  • Provost’s Budget Review Process starting
    • Provost office schedules meeting to review each University Division’s budget.
    • Reviews past year, current year and future budgets projected out three years.
    • Jim will provide an update to the budget review at the All Staff Meeting in January.
    • Jim’s 360 Evaluation which was due to be initiated by the Provost’s office in September, was put off due to the Ellis Library fire. It will be rescheduled in the near future.
    • United Way campaign still going on. Pledge online.
    • QUESTION: Gary C. – Has heard from Jim and Library a high figure related to damage estimates (over $500 K) but in a recent article on the State Historical Society,  He read price of damage small (around $10K) figure.  Was that only collections?
      • ANSWER: the $10,000 figure reported was for replacement cost of a collection of microfilm damaged by water. Still no final estimate of overall damage costs.
  • Other Announcements:
    • Stephen Clayton on behalf of Journalism Library:
      • Retiring Journalism Professor Betty Winfield has donated 1,300 books to the Journalism library.
        • Currently being cataloged.
        • Journalism is shifting collection to accommodate.
        • A dedication will take place November 10th, at 2 pm.
          • Everyone is invited.
          • A reception will take place 2:30-4 pm, 102 RJI
      • Journalism Library is holding their annual film contest.
    • Ann Riley on behalf of Technical Services –Brian Cain, an internal candidate was hired as a Librarian Cataloger
      • One year/ temporary appointment to save the Libraries time rather than going through an approval to fill and full search process.
      • Cataloging plans to conduct a full nationwide search in twelve months
    • Gary Cox on behalf of Archives – MU Athletics online streaming channel coming soon.
      • Archives material may be featured.
        • Athletics has contacted Archives for athletic reels.
        • Ann Riley:  100 years of athletics is a popular hit on MOspace.
    • PT Martin for LTS – Library Migration to Exchange 2010 – may start as soon as Nov 5.
      • There is not much information beyond that.
      • Email storage space will expand.
      • Potentially a way to set up Auto Archives to align with University Retention Policy.
  • Future Library Assembly Agenda items – Visits by committee chairs:  Gary Cox
    • Next committee to be invited to Library Assembly:  Assessment committee.
      • Followed by:  Web Advisory Group, and then Collection Steering Committee.
      • Gary plans to invite the new Development Director as soon as that person is hired.