Schmick Appointed Editor for Consumer Health Site

Darell Schmick has been appointed a contributing editor to the NOAH consumer health site.  NOAH editors find, select, and organize current, relevant, accurate and unbiased consumer health information for the website.  Contributing Editors are each responsible for researching, organizing and maintaining a page on a specific topic; Darell will be editing the Patient’s Rights and Resources Page:


Nurses and Librarians: Perfect Partners!

Join us for an interesting session on the partnership between nurses and librarians.  For those who are new to working with nurses, Valerie Meyer, librarian at Chamberlain School of Nursing will speak to the need for outreach to nurses. Nurses recognize that information is needed to improve practice and provide quality patient care. However, many nurses have not used library databases or understand thoroughly how to get the information they need. This is an untapped opportunity for collaboration and bridge building.

Looking at more advanced partnerships, Louise Miller, PhD, RN & Rebecca Graves, MLS will talk about their collaboration on grants, teaching and presenting.  Their work together has taken them from classrooms (virtual and physical) teaching nursing students to the small towns of Missouri teaching frontline nurses.   They have also teamed up for presentations at conferences to school nurses in Kansas City and librarians in Honolulu.  Their next exploits are focusing on getting information literacy woven in an enduring form into the Sinclair School of Nursing curriculum.

July 19, 2011 – Librarians and Nurses: Perfect Partners, panel hosted by Barb Jones. View the archived recording at:

August Lunchtime Leadership Book Talk

The August Lunchtime Leadership Book Talk will take place on the 30th from 12:00 – 1:00 p.m., in 159 Ellis.

This is an opportunity for MU Libraries employees to gather informally over lunch and share quotes from books or articles on the topic of leadership or management that seem especially pertinent for MU Libraries right now. This is open to all library employees as it seems sensible to hear from current and emerging leaders within the organization in terms of what they are reading on the topic.

Attendance is voluntary but compensable for non-exempt supervisors since the discussion applies to the workplace. As such, schedule adjustments may be needed to offset overtime considerations. RSVP’s are not required.

But, we ask you bring a brief something to share with the group, e.g., copies of the talking points of the book or journal article. For examples of documents shared at recent sessions, go to – this leads to a SharePoint site.

Staff iPads and Laptops Available for Checkout!

LTS has 2 original iPads and several laptops that are available for staff checkout.

The iPads have many free apps already installed and have the equivalent of the Microsoft Office Suite – Pages (Word), Numbers (Excel) and KeyNote (PowerPoint).

The laptops are Windows XP or Windows 7 and have the Microsoft Office Suite and various other applications on them. Specific software can be added if needed for a Libraries activity.  There are currently no Apples available.

All equipment may be used for either personal or Libraries business, but Libraries-related activities take precedence.  There are currently no specific checkout time limits, but that is subject to change if demand increases.

Top 250 Websites by Page Title and URL

The top 250 websites

  • by Page Title
  • by Page URL

are now available in an Excel workbook posted on the staff site for your viewing.  The glossary for the terms used in Google Analytics can also be found on the staff page on the lower right-hand corner of the screen under Administration/Statistics.

Page URLs are case sensitive in Google Analytics so if a term in a URL is capitalized in one URL and not in its duplicate, there be two URLs listed for the same web page.

For example:

Journalism Library:

In the fall of 2010, the web browsers on the computers in Journalism were set to as the home page.

The Journalism Library home page is officially with a lower case “j.”

Journalism will have two entries in the Page URL listing and one entry in the Page Title listing.  The workstation browsers were modified so they now point to the lower case “j” but there will always be two URLS for that period in time.

Gateway page:

The stats for are recorded separately from even though they refer to the same web page.

Test pages usually have not been assigned a Page Title and will be lumped together under (not set). Many new pages were created last year so there will be little or no comparison with the previous year.  The introduction of LibGuides naturally saw a decrease in the page hits for some of those guides in the Resource Content Management System.   LibGuide URLs are numeric so you cannot tell what the page is unless you search the site or add a prefix to the URL listed in the spreadsheet.

LibGuide URL in Google Analytics:

/content.php?pid=92324 / / [J2100 News ]

LibGuides also has its own statistical analysis program as part of the service.

Last fall, the Web Advisory Group rearranged the content on the Gateway giving more prominence to the “Contact Us” feature as well as other services and collections.

“Contact Us” went up 141%. 

June 30, 2010 – June 30, 2011

July 1, 2009 – July 1, 2010 5,667
% Change 141%

Other notable changes:

MU Libraries Book Finder

June 30, 2010 – June 30, 2011

July 1, 2009 – July 1, 2010 48,106
% Change 83%

Collections Ellis

June 30, 2010 – June 30, 2011

July 1, 2009 – July 1, 2010 18,438
% Change 105%


This web page saw a decrease because now we have hours posted on the gateway pages:


Hours, Maps and Information


June 30, 2010 – June 30, 2011

July 1, 2009 – July 1, 2010 2,179
% Change -10%