Information and Action Items from the 11/29/11 LMT Meeting

INFORMATION ITEM:  Budget Discussion – Jim Cogswell with guest Ellen Blair.  Budget meeting rescheduled for January 25, 2012, 3-4 pm.  Ellen continues to update various budget spreadsheets for the meeting.  LMT to present an integrated budget and staffing plan to the Provost.

INFORMATION ITEM:  Campaign Priorities – Jim will meet with University Development (David Housh and Linda L’Hote) and Development Consultant Martin Grenzebach on December 7th. Subject of the meeting: MU Libraries Capital Campaign Priorities.  Discussion ensued about a draft of priorities list.

INFORMATION ITEM:  Staffing Priorities and Issues. MU Libraries is trying to actively manage transitions. LMT is concerned about preparing for future retirements.  Desire to move forward and be proactive.

Continued discussion about succession planning.

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