Holiday Food Drive

MULSA will be sponsoring a food drive and contest to benefit the Columbia Area Food Bank, as well as Second Chance (for animals), beginning this Friday, November 18th and culminating on Thursday, December 15th, just before the Winter Holiday Party.  We will provide each department and branch that wishes to participate with donation boxes, or you can obtain boxes at the loading dock and/or in copy service.  Over the next four weeks we encourage library staff to bring in and donate non-perishable food items, or, if you prefer, cash.  At the annual Holiday Party we’ll announce the two departments or branches that have donated the most items.  There will be prizes for those who have donated the most pounds in food items, and the most in cash.  Let’s fill those boxes up!

If you have any questions please contact Steve Clayton at the Journalism Library, 882-7502, or

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