Submit Your United Way Donation Today




Dear Colleagues,

Here is the link where you can pledge to the United Way online:

If you prefer to use a paper pledge form, you may also print one off at this web address (above) and send to me at 104 Ellis Library.  If you have any questions, please give me a call or contact one of the MU Libraries Tri-Chairs (Mary Hainen, Paula Roper and Ann Riley) of the 2011 United Way Campaign!

Also don’t forget the 30 for 30 prize give away from United Way….(description below).  This is independent of the prizes that MU Libraries will give away.

United Way ’30 for 30′ Gift Giveaway
Submit your United Way donation today! The United Way leadership team  has a drawing each day during the campaign that will give away one gift. Only those who have participated in the United Way campaign are entered to win. The earlier you participate, the better chance you have to win. Prizes include press box seats to homecoming, tickets to University Concert Series events, a $500 VISA gift card donated by Providence Bank, and many others. Go to to participate today!

Announcement sponsored by United Way Campaign Leadership


Mark Ellis


P.S.  Follow this link to an offer for t-shirts that show your pride in Mizzou and your commitment to Live United

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