Pottinger Appointed to DSpace Committers Team


Ithaca, NY The DSpace committers team are delighted to announce a new member to the group: Hardy Pottinger from University of Missouri Library Systems. Please join us in welcoming him!

Hardy has been an active member of the DSpace Community for some time, contributing patches, helping to fix bugs (or test fixes), and providing general help and advice on mailing lists and IRC.

Hardy works for the University of Missouri Library Systems, on the University of Missouri, Columbia (AKA Mizzou) campus. He is the Tech Lead for MOspace (https://mospace.umsystem.edu/), the institutional repository for the University of Missouri.

Hardy holds a BA in English, from Fontbonne in Saint Louis (formerly a College, now a University). He worked on the school paper, and leveraged that experience into a few jobs at the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons in Chicago. During that period, he ended up doing quite a bit of developing/publishing work, mainly on web sites (using the venerable Cold Fusion), and narrowly missed the tail end of the dot-com bubble (phew). He then moved back to Missouri (where he and his wife grew up) to be closer to family. He’s been working in the Library space ever since, formerly on digital library kinds of things (using Michigan’s very cool DLXS software), but lately on University of Missouri’s institutional repository, MOspace.

We are always on the lookout for new developers, contributors, and committers within the DSpace community. Anyone who would like to get more involved is encouraged to do so. You are also welcome to contact us at any time if you’d like some ideas of how to start contributing:


Contributions can take many forms, from writing code to editing documentation, or testing new releases to designing new themes for our user interfaces.

If you or someone you know has been an active DSpace contributor for some time, you can also nominate that person to become our next committer! Nomination details are available at:


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