News From the Ellis Library Space and Facility Advisory Committee

The Ellis Library Space and Facility Advisory Committee (ESFAC) has some new projects underway.

ESFAC is currently working on: the removal of the CPRR marble counter, renovating the women’s restroom on the first floor, compiling data for Ellis Library’s current signage dilemma, posting location guides outside of the elevators for our patrons, and researching a student’s request to have cushioned chairs in Ellis Library along with the projects below.

As you can see, ESFAC members are actively working on small and large projects. In addition to a list of considerations the committee members are strategically working through at every ESFAC meeting. All substantial considerations are submitted to the Library Management Team (LMT) as a proposal.  The LMT members have the final word as to whether or not a consideration will be approved.

Lastly, all recommendations/considerations will be reviewed but may not be addressed by the committee.

Thank you,



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