Action and Information Items from LMT 4/12/11

2-4 pm, 159 Ellis Library

Attendees:  Jim Cogswell, Deb Ward, Mike Holland, Ann Riley,

Guest: Kate Anderson, Lee Anne Litzsinger, Carolyn Hamilton, Rebecca Moser

Support: Mark Ellis

Information Item:  Update of Mizzou Advantage activity – Kate Anderson.  Mizzou Advantage is “wrapping-up” first round of grants. Poster session of all First round grants: April 27, 4-6 pm. Reports will be due May 2nd. Mizzou Advantage is a centerpiece in new Campus Strategic Plan due out soon.   A spreadsheet that tracks who at MU Libraries is doing what with Mizzou Advantage will be out soon.  There has been positive and growing sense of collaboration. Librarians have been noticed at many Mizzou Advantage discussions.

Kate Anderson left meeting.

INFORMATION ITEM:  LMT Retreat will be Thursday and Friday, June 16-17. Topic Suggestions so far: Succession Planning, A new ORTF?  – Organizational Review Task Force – Is it time to pull together a team to look at some broad issues again? Topics and suggestions will continue to be discussed.

INFORMATION ITEM:  Jim has assigned Mike Holland the task of developing a process to review and update the Library Policy.  Mike Holland predicts a need for a policy on policies. It will include: a.) where policy/changes can be proposed/generated, b.) a path that leads eventually to hearing/approval by LMT.  c.) Possible vetting through deliberative bodies such as MULAC and/or Library Assembly. d.) Final approval will remain in LMT.

Jim would like to Archives to be responsible for maintaining an up-to-date copy of official MU Libraries Policies.

INFROMATION ITEM:  Jim asks for recommendations from LMT for annual MU Libraries’ Top Ten Accomplishments list FY 2011.

INFROMATION ITEM:  Ellis Library Reference is considering a policy on Social Media. In light of previous discussion on policy review process, Deb and Ellis Library Reference will review proposal and prepare to submit at a later time.

INFROMATION/ACTION ITEM:  Digital Scriptorium is changing from a contributory organization to a membership organization. Each member will be asked to pay an annual maintenance fee. MU Libraries Tier 1 Membership fee will be $1,750 per year. LMT resolved to pay fee. Discussion ensued about how to treat expense now and for future budget planning.

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