Tech Tip – Trojans and Viruses

Trojans and Viruses are both programs that can cause harm to your computer. However, there are some differences between the two. For instance, most viruses are attached to an executable file and can only be spread by a human action. They are most usually shared through documents or emails with infected attachments. Trojans are programs that look like legitimate software, however, their true intention is to cause harm to your computer.

When in doubt, avoid opening up email attachments, clicking on unrecognized software updates, or unidentified emails that tell you to download programs.  Use care when surfing the internet and choose to visit sites you know are legitimate and infection free. Don’t hesitate to contact LTS if you ever have any questions!

February Lunchtime Leadership Book Talk

The next Lunchtime Leadership Book Talk will take place Tuesday, February 22, 2010, from 12:00 – 1:00 p.m., in 159 Ellis Library.

This is an opportunity for MU Libraries employees to gather informally over lunch and share quotes from books or articles on the topic of leadership or management that seem especially pertinent for MU Libraries right now. This is open to all library employees as it seems sensible to hear from current and emerging leaders within the organization in terms of what they are reading on the topic.

Attendance is voluntary but compensable for non-exempt supervisors since the discussion applies to the workplace. As such, schedule adjustments may be needed to offset overtime considerations. RSVP’s are not required.

But, we ask you bring a brief something to share with the group, e.g., copies of the talking points of the book or journal article. For examples of documents shared at past sessions, go to – this leads to a SharePoint site.


Second Annual International Tea & Snack Event

The Diversity Action Committee and MULSA invite you to participate in a gathering on Feb. 15 to enjoy a variety of international teas and snacks. The event will take place from 3:00 – 4:30 p.m. in the Ellis Library Staff Lounge.

DAC and MULSA will provide most of the food items; menu options are listed below. However, you are invited to contribute a tea flavor or snack that represents your cultural heritage. If interested in contributing an item, contact either Ivy Hui ( or Yasuyo Knoll ( Feel free to bring you own plates/spoons, too.

RSVP’s are not required. Release time is available with supervisor approval.


Menu items to date:

Ginger tea; Milk tea; Green / Jasmine / Oolong tea; coffee.

Almond flavored agar with fruits; Rice cake with red beans; Sweet egg roll; Korean wafer stick; Hello Panda; Wasabi peas; Calbee BBQ corn; Belgian cream puff; Sesame pan cake (chips); Ah-Jiao honey red dates; chocolate cake; Black-eyed peas; Cinnamon rolls; Julegrot (Scandinavian rice pudding); Fried dumplings; Sugar cookies.

Healthy for Life Update

Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Program
Healthy for Life–the T. E. Atkins University of Missouri Wellness Program–is offering an intensive class in Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction to University of Missouri faculty and staff.

Enroll now for this eight-week program to learn skills for responding to the stresses of life with skill and creativity.  Classes include instruction in formal mindfulness practices (sitting meditation, body scan, mindful yoga, and walking meditation) and information about stress, communication, and wellness.  Participants will be asked to engage in group discussions in class and daily practice exercises outside of class that support  applying awareness, skill, and compassion to all aspects of work and personal life.  Regular class attendance and a commitment of approximately 30 minutes of practice per day for the duration of the course are recommended.  Cost of $40 includes 3 CDs and a training manual ($20 to be refunded if you attend 7 of the 8 classes).   Partners, spouses and adult family members can attend free of charge if they use the same materials.

Free Orientation session: Wednesday, February 23 from 5:30–7 p.m.

8-week class: Wednesdays (March 2–April 27, except March 30) from 5:30–7:30 p.m. (in the Memorial Union)

Full-day retreat: Saturday, April 23 (9 a.m.-4 p.m.)

For more information or to register for the orientation meeting, please contact Lynn Rossy at

Weight Watchers At Work, Online or Community

Make a commitment to your health by joining Weight Watchers at work, online or in the community. Healthy for Life offers a 25% rebate to faculty & staff who attend 12 of 13 in-person meetings or join online and record their weight 11 of 12 weeks. Weight Watchers fees are fully reimbursable through the Flexible Spending Account with appropriate medical documentation. Payment options are available for the in person classes–cash, check or credit card.

*At Work:

Ø  Clark Hall Open House on Feb. 16 from 11:50 a.m.-12:50 p.m. in Room 542. Pay $156 for 13 weeks or join mid-session for a prorated fee. There will be free eTools for all paid members and those joining are eligible for the instructor’s weekly drawings. There will be a special drawing at the open house for all who attend. During the last year, this class has lost more than 660 pounds.

Ø  University Hospital Open House Meeting on Feb. 17 from 11:45 a.m.-12:45 p.m. in the School of Medicine, Room M586. Pay $156 for 13 weeks or join mid-session for a prorated fee. All paid members will receive free eTools. During the two years this class was in session, members lost more than 1,000 pounds.

Ø  Thompson Center is recruiting. Healthy for Life would like to start a Weight Watchers class at the Thompson Center. Currently there are 12 people signed up for the class, but we need at least three more to begin. The class will meet during the lunch hour (12-1 p.m.), but a day of the week has not been set. This will be a 13-week session for $156. Visit Healthy for Life’s website for more information. This class is open to everyone, so join with a friend! To add your name to the list, email Wellness Ambassador Valerie Simpson.

Ø*Community: Find a nearby location at

*Online Program: Sign up at

Questions? Email Healthy for Life at

Tobacco Cessation

Do you want to stop smoking or have a friend or relative who does? Here are some options to help you get started!

UM Choice Health Care Program members

·         FREE QuitNet Smoking Cessation Program offered to UM Choice Health Care Program members including telephonic counseling sessions, web access and e-mail support. To enroll contact QuitNet (1-866-577-8210 or

·         Selected Smoking Cessation medications are available through the UM Prescription Drug program with a prescription from your physician. Covered medications include: Buproprion SR (generic)-formulary and Chantix-formulary (Click here for a printable coupon)

·         Contact your physician or ExpressScripts Customer Service at 1-800-955-1201 for more information.

·         How to quit questions, call or e-mail Healthy for Life’s Armine Alioto, R.N., at (573) 884-1439.

·         Seattle’s Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center ( is launched a new study June 15, 2010, which may be able to help you quit. Please visit for more information.

Non-UM Choice Health Care Program members

·         Boone County Health Department offers FREE screenings and Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT). Call (573) 874-7355.

·         Freedom From Smoking classes, call or e-mail Julie with the Phoenix Program at (573) 777-3007 for classes with FREE NRT.

·         American Lung Association,

·         Nicotine Anonymous, call or e-mail Jim at (573) 884-3141.

·         Missouri Tobacco Quit Line (1-800-QUIT-NOW) offers telephone coaching and FREE nicotine replacement therapy.

·         National Cancer Institute (1-877-44U-QUIT) offers FREE telephone support for quitting smoking.

·         Seattle’s Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center ( has launched a new study June 15, 2010, which may be able to help you quit. Please visit for more information.

Shop Heart Healthy

The Rockbridge Hy-Vee is hosting a free Heart-Healthy grocery store tour on Feb. 15 from 11 a.m.-12 p.m. Registered Dietitian Paula Vanderlicht will show you foods to help lower your cholesterol and promote a healthy heart. Register for this event by calling 573-442-8595.

Research Opportunity

The Research Center for Human-Animal Interaction has launched its Veterans and Shelter Dogs Initiative, which consists of research programs directed at facilitating successful adoption of shelter dogs and helping combat veterans fight the symptoms of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) to re-ingrate into civilian life. This is a three-phase study with incentives. See the attached flyer for study details and how to become a participant.

Walking School Bus

A Walking School Bus (WSB) is a group of 5-10 children who walk to school together under adult supervision.  PedNet’s Walking School Bus spring program kicks off on Monday, March 7.  Eleven Columbia elementary schools are participating.  For more information or to sign a child up visit

Taking Donated Bicycles

Got a new bike for Christmas and don’t know what to do with the old one?  Donate it to the PedNet Coalition!  The bicycles will be fixed up and used for the Create-A-Commuter program that teaches people how a bicycle can be a healthy, low-cost form of transportation.  All sizes welcome. Bicycles that are beyond repair will be salvaged for scrap and sold to purchase new bike parts and accessories for the program.  For more information on bike donation or this program, contact Gina Overshiner at 573-303-1033 or Individuals can donate funds for this program and/or volunteer to help out.

Learn Bike Mechanics

An eight-week series of classes (one night a week, two hours) that will teach you the mechanics of your bike from top to bottom!  Classes are $25 each or $150 for the entire series.  Classes start the first week of March but the day of week is still to be determined.

Contact Gina Overshiner at 573-303-1033  gina@pednet for more information.

Library Assembly Minutes

159 Ellis Library

January 25, 2011 1pm

Present: Members: June DeWeese,  Matt Stottle, Laura Buck, Erin Zeller, Suzy Bent, Stephen Clayton, Stephen Stanton, Gary Cox, Mark Ellis, Bette Stuart (chair), PT Martin*. Ex-officio: Deb Ward (LMT), Ann Riley (LMT), Felicity Dykas (MULAC Chair), Jim Cogswell (Director), PT Martin (SRC Chair)*.  Guest:  Karla Geerlings.

*listed twice – as department and SRC representative

Ø  Welcome to Stephen Clayton. Steve replaces Will McCrary who left MU Libraries to take a position at Columbia College.  Steve represents the Math, Engineering and Journalism Libraries.

Ø  Announcement/Reports:

o   Jim C. – Director’s Announcements: Recent meetings to discuss the Math Library staffing situation and the recent merging of Western Historical Manuscripts Collection with the Missouri State Historical Society were postponed due to the weather last week.  Jim has nothing further to report at this time.  Concerning the University budget, Jim has heard that the 7% reduction announced by the state appears to likely be the official amount, which is better than the University was expecting (estimates were closer to 10%).  It is also possible that the expected cost increase (for the departments) of employee benefits may be less than the University Admin had estimated.

o   PT- LTS: There will be a mandatory campus password update in the near future.

§  Employees will be asked to change their password by April 15. (If it hasn’t been changed since beginning of 2011.)

o   Deb Ward –HSL: One of the two days, either April 19 or 20, is the tentative date for a public HSL Anniversary event that will include a visit by Dr. Lindberg.

§  HSL is also in the planning stage of a renovation of the first floor.  It will include improvements to the utilities, remodeling the public area (similar to Ellis Library Info Commons) and a much needed renovation of the HSL staff room. Funding is part of stimulus money ($1.5 mil).

o   Suzy Bent –Catalog Dept:  due to the Annex Project, Dan Dodd will be spending 2 days a week at U2 (Tuesdays and Thursdays).

§  Suzy and June DeWeese explain the Annex Project:  items formerly stored at the Annex and then moved (in call number order) over to the U2 underground storage will now be formally processed into U2.

§  Along with work at U2, Suzy and Colleen, in Cataloging, are running lists to make location changes on the items (to reflect their original location), ensure that check-in locations and Itypes are correct, etc.

§  Net result = the recapturing of shelf space at U2 and a cleaner catalog.

o   Erin Zeller – Special Collection: Special Collections has starting a blog: , “Scripta Manent,” that will help communicate news and events.  There is a link from the department page.

o   PT Martin – LTS: the new KIC scanner is up and running on the first floor near the OASys area.  Available to public.  Provides flat or “v” scanning.  Ability to manipulate (crop, color, combined, etc).  Currently goes to USB drive and email.  No printing or CD burning at this time.  USB drives are for sale in vending machine.

o   Mark Ellis – Admin: Jessi Menold started in Admin office to help Ellen.  She will be a go-to person for supply orders, expense reimbursements and student budget reports.

o   Stephen Stanton – Geology:  They are dealing with a lot construction in the Geology Building.  They have had to endure times of power and utility outages with little or no notice.

Ø  New Vice Chair:  Will McCrary’s departure from MU Libraries leaves role vacant.

o   Call for volunteers.  Discussion ensues about how to elect. Assembly reviews term expirations of various members.

§  Gary Cox asks Bette to review the role (term, duties, etc.) of Vice Chair.

  • Bette, from bylaws: Vice-Chair assists Chair, Convenes meetings when Chair is absence. Takes over the Chair position for one year.

§  Bylaws are vague about when the terms of offices/memberships start.

o   PT Martin motion to amend bylaws to have new committee appointments and offices to start on July 1 –June DeWeese seconds. Motion passed.

o   PT Martin nominates Gary Cox as Vice Chair. Stephen Stanton seconds. Gary accepts. No other nominees accept nominations.  Gary assumes Vice-Chair by acclamation.

Ø  Staff Web sub-group and discussion about the need for new volunteers:

o   Will McCrary was the chair of the Web sub-group that was assigned to look into the staff web page and follow-up with links and resources that need to be updated.

o   Other members are June DeWeese and Laura Buck.

o   Discussion: June and Laura report that they believe the webpage review is nearly complete. They will contact Will to confirm his report before he left that his section of the website review was complete.  June and Laura are finished or almost finished with their initial review of the staff web.  They don’t think they need any new members at this time.  They will prepare a report for the next Library Assembly meeting.

Ø  Salary information: Jim Cogswell – the FY2012 budget includes a 2% salary increase pool.

o   Not everyone will necessarily get 2%.  The University Administration would like all pay increases to be based on merit.  The accumulative divisional pay increases can add up to 2% of the division’s total salary pool.

o   Jim will meet with LMT and others to determine the best way to proceed.  He wants the guiding principal is to be fair, while recognizing that the 2% spread out over 130+ people limits the impact of full assessments.

o   Adding to the dilemma is that some library titles are compensated low/depressed compared to university and national peers.

o   Jim wants to let everyone know about the situation. He would be happy to answer any questions?  More information should be available soon.

Ø  Library Committees/Groups:  Bette Stuart wishes to follow up on the suggestion for the Library Assembly to invite various Library Committees and Groups to report and field questions at future Library Assembly meetings.  Bette distributed a list of Library Committee groups.  She would like Library Assembly members to mark down the top five in ranking order.  These will be used to decide which groups to invite first.

Ø  Next meeting: February 22nd at 1 pm.

o   On the Agenda so far:

§  Staff web page report.

Ø  Meeting Adjourned.

Submitted by Mark Ellis


Tech Tip – Keyboard Shortcuts

Hello all!

Workers who spend most of their time on the computer understand the importance of efficient computer skills. Here are a few important ones that can save time.

To add a webpage to your favorites, press Ctrl + D

To view your history, press Ctrl + H

To go to your home page, press Alt + Home

To view all open pages on the desktop, select Ctrl + Tab or Command + Tab

To stop downloading a page, press Esc