Eat for Life In Person
Discover the benefits of this innovative approach to weight management. This 10-week program uses mind-body practices (meditations and yoga), the principles of mindful and intuitive eating, skills training, and group support to guide you in making lifestyle changes that will help you create a healthier relationship to your food, mind, and body. If you have a history of chronic dieting, have rigid “healthy” rules about eating, or find yourself eating when you’re stressed, bored, or unhappy, this may be the program for you. This non-judgmental, non-diet approach helps you use your internal physical cues to guide what and when you eat.
In Person Class:
Orientation Session: Wednesday, February 9 (12-1).
Classes: Wednesdays, February 16 – April 27 (12 – 1 pm).
Cost: $50 fee, $25 to be refunded if you attend 9 of 10 classes.
To enroll:
- Email Dr. Lynn Rossy to register your name for the class
2. Pay online with credit card or pay by check or cash at the orientation session
Weight Watchers At Work, Online or Community
Make a commitment to your health by joining Weight Watchers at work, online or in the community. Healthy for Life offers a 25% rebate to faculty & staff who attend 12 of 13 in-person meetings or join online and record their weight 11 of 12 weeks. Weight Watchers fees are fully reimbursable through the Flexible Spending Account with appropriate medical documentation. Payment options are available for the in person classes–cash, check or credit card.
*At Work:
Ø Clark Hall Open House on Feb. 16 from 11:50 a.m.-12:50 p.m. in Room 542. Pay $156 for 13 weeks or join mid-session for a prorated fee. This instructor will be offering free eTools for all paid members and those joining are eligible for the instructor’s weekly drawings. There will be a special drawing at the open house for all who attend. During the last year, this class has lost more than 660 pounds.
Ø University Hospital Open House Meeting on Feb. 17 from 11:45 a.m.-12:45 p.m. in the School of Medicine, Room M586. Pay $156 for 13 weeks or join mid-session for a prorated fee. During the two years this class was in session, members lost more than 1,000 pounds.
Ø Thompson Center is recruiting. Healthy for Life would like to start a Weight Watchers class at the Thompson Center. Currently there are 12 people signed up for the class, but we need at least three more to begin. The class will meet during the lunch hour (12-1 p.m.), but a day of the week has not been set. This will be a 13-week session for $156. Visit Healthy for Life’s website for more information. This class is open to everyone, so join with a friend! To add your name to the list, email Wellness Ambassador Valerie Simpson.
*Community: Find a nearby location at
*Online Program: Sign up at
Questions? Email Healthy for Life at
Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Program
Healthy for Life–the T. E. Atkins University of Missouri Wellness Program–is offering an intensive class in Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction to University of Missouri faculty and staff.
Enroll now for this eight-week program to learn skills for responding to the stresses of life with skill and creativity. Classes include instruction in formal mindfulness practices (sitting meditation, body scan, mindful yoga, and walking meditation) and information about stress, communication, and wellness. Participants will be asked to engage in group discussions in class and daily practice exercises outside of class that support applying awareness, skill, and compassion to all aspects of work and personal life. Regular class attendance and a commitment of approximately 30 minutes of practice per day for the duration of the course are recommended. Cost of $40 includes 3 CDs and a training manual ($20 to be refunded if you attend 7 of the 8 classes). Partners, spouses and adult family members can attend free of charge if they use the same materials.
Free Orientation session: Wednesday, February 23 from 5:30–7 p.m.
8-week class: Wednesdays (March 2–April 27, except March 30) from 5:30–7:30 p.m. (in the Memorial Union)
Full-day retreat: Saturday, April 23 (9 a.m.-4 p.m.)
For more information or to register for the orientation meeting, please contact Lynn Rossy at