Current MUSE Posts

Bazaar Weekend, 2010

Web tip of the week, Nov 22 2010 (Rebates for energy-efficient appliances):

Web tip of the week, Dec. 1 2010 (What is happening in all topics):

New Academic Appointments

I am pleased to announce that we have successfully concluded all three academic searches.

Darell Schmick accepted the position of Health Sciences Information Services Librarian. He will assume his appointment on January, 3, 2011. Mr. Schmick will complete his MLS from Emporia State University in December 2010. He currently works at the Denver School of Nursing in the Learning Resource Center. He also completed a practicum at the University of Colorado Health Sciences Library, where he continues to volunteer.

Darrell Schmick

The HSL Librarian position is based in the J. Otto Lottes Health Sciences Library and has duties which include: providing reference services, literature searching, user education, and personal file management consultation at the Health Sciences Library;  coordinating and scheduling of information desk and virtual reference services; training and supervision of one or more Graduate Library Assistants; coordinating the practicum program for the library; and providing leadership on library consumer health initiatives.

Jackie Blonigen accepted the position of Metadata and Catalog Librarian. She will assume her appointment January 12, 2011. Ms. Blonigen earned her MLS in May 2010 from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. She currently works as a Library Assistant for the Wisconsin Library Service, a state wide resource-sharing network which provides a range of direct member services and serves as the lender for the Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison libraries.

The Metadata and Catalog Librarian position is based in Ellis Library as part of Access, Collections and Technical Services. Duties include cataloging of digital resources with a focus on websites, databases, and collections, institutional repository materials, and materials digitized from local collections; coordinating MOspace cataloging activities including establishing priorities, providing technical expertise in the automated generation and enhancement of metadata, and working with content providers to ensure that MOspace metadata meets specialized needs; and exploring and implementing options for enriching bibliographic records via the addition of summaries, table of contents, and subject headings.

Kelli Hansen accepted the position of Special Collections Librarian. She will assume her appointment February 15, 2011. Ms. Hansen will complete her MIS in December 2010 from the University of Texas-Austin. Prior to that, she earned a Masters in Art History from MU in 2003. She most recently worked for Dolph Briscoe Center for American History as a Research Associate for the National Digital Newspaper Program. The Center is a leading history research center which preserves and makes available documentary and material culture evidence encompassing key themes in Texas and U.S. history.

The Special Collections Librarian position is based in Ellis Library and has duties which include: providing reference service to all print and microform collections held by the department; assisting and instructing patrons in the use of all collections in all formats including the Internet; developing, designing, revising, and updating of the Special Collections & Rare Books departmental website and provides leadership and technical competence in developing and managing electronic finding aids, databases, exhibits, and other Internet sites; and participating in collection promotion, outreach activities (including bibliographic instruction), exhibits, and creation of user guides.

Jim Cogswell

Healthy for Life Update

Upcoming Faculty & Staff Flu Clinic: Friday, Dec. 3

MU, UM System and Extension faculty, staff and retirees to receive flu shots (see eligibility and requirements below):

  • Dec. 3: 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Memorial Union, Room S206 (Gillette/Ware Room)

If you are a University of Missouri faculty or staff member, dependent or retiree enrolled in the UM Choice Health Care Program, you are eligible for a FREE vaccine. Bring your Coventry Health Care card to the flu vaccine site. If you are not enrolled in the UM Choice Health Care Program, there will be a $25 fee which may be paid in cash or check for the vaccine.

Children 9 years and older enrolled in UM Choice Health Care Program, accompanied by a parent or guardian, may receive the vaccine. Due to different vaccination needs, children age 8 and younger may obtain their flu vaccine from their healthcare provider, health department or community clinic.

Along with your insurance card, bring your COMPLETED FLU SHOT FORM to the vaccination site.

Massage Therapy Available

De-stress this season with massage therapy! Licensed Massage Therapist Jeff Rioux provides clinical massage therapy in his office at University Hospital (GL-20). He also provides department chair massage in three-hour blocks. To schedule an individual appointment or chair massage, call Healthy for Life at 884-1312.

If you’d like to buy a gift certificate, stop by Medtique Gift Shop in University Hospital or the Healthy for Life office at 205 Heinkel Building on campus, OR  drop a check in campus mail to 205 Heinkel Building specifying the length of session you want. Make checks payable to Healthy for Life.

Faculty and staff  receive a discount: Hours of availability:
30 minutes: $30 Mondays & Tuesdays: 10 a.m.-7 p.m.
60 minutes: $45 Wednesdays: 1-7 p.m.
90 minutes: $65 Thursdays: 11 a.m.-7 p.m.

Stress-Reduction Meditation—Room Change

Research over the past two decades suggests that engaging in a regular mindfulness meditation practice can reduce stress and enhance overall psychological and physical wellbeing.  Find out for yourself by taking advantage of the sitting meditation sessions across campus each week. All faculty and staff are welcome on a drop-in basis, and no previous experience with meditation is necessary. If you can’t make the noon time sitting meditation group, consider listening to one of the audio recordings.  Join Healthy for Life for one of the following times and locations:

·         Mondays: Heinkel Building, Room 10 (12:15-12:45 p.m.)

· Wednesdays: University Hospital Medical School, Room HSL146 (12:15-12:45 p.m.)

·         Wednesdays:  Law School Bldg (Hulston Hall), Room 208 on Dec. 1 then will meet in Room 222  (1:15-1:45 p.m.) *Last meeting of the semester is Dec. 15th and session will resume on Jan. 19th.

Million Step Pedometer Program

Walk your way to good health!  Faculty and staff can purchase pedometers for $15, and a full refund is given at the completion of one million steps. To purchase a pedometer, send a check for $15 (our cost, made payable to Healthy for Life) to 205 Heinkel Building, MU. For more information, click here.

Has your department always wanted to start a walking challenge, but didn’t know where to begin? Now is your chance! Healthy for Life has Walking Tool Kits hot off the press that will provide you with the tools to begin a walking group or walking challenge in your department. Get your colleagues moving, building camaraderie, and getting healthy. If you would like a copy of the Walking Tool Kit sent to you through campus mail, please email Dee Sanders.

Employee Assistance Program Workshops

MU EAP provides an ongoing program of education and training designed to both increase employee awareness of stress and enhance their stress management capacity. To take advantage of these free workshops listed below, please register by emailing Tammie Tilmon or call her at (573) 882-6701.

  • Individual Development in the Workplace: Dec. 3 at University Hospital, Room CE505, 12-1 p.m.
  • The Role of Personality in Individual, Team and Organizational Success: Dec. 7 at Memorial Union, Room S203, 12-1 p.m.

New Posts, Nov. 15-19

  1. LMT Action and Information Items – 11/16/10
  2. MULSA Adopted Family Wish List
  3. MULSA’s Annual Food Drive a Success!
  4. 2011 Black History Month Call for Events
  5. Welcome Back to Dottie Heuer
  6. Congratulations to Matt Stottle and Ryan Buttrey
  7. Address Update for Payroll
  8. December Lunchtime Leadership Book Talk
  9. Tech Tip – Scheduling a Meeting in Outlook
  10. Babies Rogers Born on Nov. 12 and More MUSE Posts
  11. Healthy for Life Update

LMT Action and Information Items – 11/16/10

Attendees: Jim Cogswell, Mike Holland, Ann Riley, Deb Ward
Guest: Ellen Blair
Support: Mark Ellis

INFORMATION ITEM – Jim Cogswell: LMT Invited to the Library Committee meeting scheduled for December 2nd, 2 pm, 159 Ellis Library.  Current Chair Noah Heringman is trying to emphasize collaboration and communication between the Library Committee and MU Libraries.

  • In October the Library Committee met with Kate Anderson to discuss Mizzou Advantage and MU Libraries.
  • In November, the Library Committee met with a panel of subject specialist librarians to learn more about their job and roles.  Panel: Judy Maseles, Gwen Gray, Anne Barker.
  • In December, Noah would like to invite LMT to make up a panel for a description of each member’s role and to answer questions.
  • On December 9, the Library Committee would like to take a tour of the MU Libraries following the “life of a book”.  (Similar to the tour given to LDAC last spring.)

INFORMATION ITEM – Jim Cogswell: Jim attended Deans retreat in Springfield, MO, November 8 and 9.

  • Discussions: Springfield, MO,  community support of higher education, MU Budget, Discussions about “low” performing programs, the merging of MU-Direct and CDIS.

INFORMATION ITEM – Jim Cogswell: James Hunter will meet for the first part of the LMT meeting on Dec 7th.  James Hunter is director of EAP.  Topic: “reflective spaces.”

ACTION ITEM – Deb Ward: The Library Instruction Committee drafted a revision to the MU Libraries Mission Statement that included a mention of instruction in the text of the mission.  The full text would read:

In support of the instruction, research, service and economic development programs of the University, the MU Libraries acquire, preserve, make accessible and provide instruction on scholarly resources; develop innovative services; and apply new information technologies to achieve a single overarching purpose: To serve the needs of our users.

RESOLUTION:  LMT accepted the inserted text and instructed Mark Ellis to work with Shannon Cary to change the statement on the MU Library website.

INFORMATION ITEM:  LMT and Library Fiscal Officer Ellen Blair further considered and discussed budget scenarios for the next 3 Fiscal years.  This is in preparation for the upcoming meeting that Jim and Ellen will be having with Provost Foster and his budget staff on November 30, 2010.

MULSA Adopted Family Wish List

It’s that time again, the “holidays”.  Can you believe how early they started the commercials!  And here I am adding to the fringy.  But isn’t a nice way to begin the season, helping those who have less to look forward to.  This year we are sponsoring two single parent families:  Shirley and her children, James, Julia, Blake, and Austin; and Denetria and her daughter Talayjah.  See the MULSA page for the wish list:

Our delivery date is December 14th, which means we need your donations here by the 8th so that we can do any extra shopping needed before our wrapping day the 10th. Please join us in Cataloging during your breaks as we wrap the goodies. The VAC discourages the adults from asking for personal items so I’ve added gift cards for them.

If you’d like a printable list, I can email you a spreadsheet.  I’ll be sending around donation envelopes as well for the shopping challenged.

Thanks, Ruthe or 884-8757

MULSA’s Annual Food Drive a Success!

Each year MULSA holds a food drive contest to benefit the Central Missouri Food Bank and Columbia Second Chance.  This year was exceptional.  We also decided to add points for volunteering (5 points for each volunteer hour).  Here is a breakdown of what was accumulated in this year’s contest:

For the Food Pantry– $1469 cash, 201 # in food, plus 10 pts for volunteering

For the 2nd Chance– $109 cash, 6# in food, plus 25 pts for volunteering.

Congratulations to everyone who participated.  A special congratulations goes to our contest winners:

First place to Ellis Acquisitions

Second place to Health Sciences.

Tammy Green

2011 Black History Month Call for Events

The MU Black History Month Committee invites all campus units, departments, and programs to submit events for February, 2011. We especially welcome events that address this year’s theme: “Civil War and the Struggle for Black Self-Determination.” To place your event on the calendar and/or to request funding to support your event, go to and fill out the Calendar Submission Form and/or the Funding Request Form. For more information, email Ms. Erica Bruington or call 882-6229. DEADLINE: DEC. 10, 2010.