Recently, we learned that Will McCrary, Library Information Specialist-II in the Math Library, will be leaving the University at the end of December to accept a new position at Columbia College. We wish him well in his new position. Due to the current budget situation and the ongoing hiring freeze, we are unable to seek an immediate replacement for Will. However, we intend to operate the Math Library through the Spring Semester with student staffing and with some changes in collections access and services. After the end of the academic year, when next year’s budget for the campus and the MU Libraries is finalized, we will determine how best to continue library services to Mathematics faculty and students.
Beginning in January, the following changes will be implemented:
Hours of the Library. The Math Library will be open Monday through Friday, from 9am to noon, and from 1pm to 5pm. The previous evening hours of 5pm to 8pm, and the early morning hour of 8am to 9am, will be eliminated. Faculty and second-year graduate students will retain their keys for access to the Library.
Library Collections. Existing book and journal collections will remain in the Math Library, but new books and journals will be made available in Ellis Library. Unbound Math journals will be shelved in a separate area of the Current Periodicals Reading Room (CPRR) on the main level of Ellis Library. New books and newly-bound journals will be shelved in a designated stack area of Ellis Library to be determined. Arrangements will be made to deliver interlibrary loan requests, books and bound journals to faculty at the Math Dept Office upon request. Online access to journals will be preferred whenever possible.
Reserve Materials. Current course reserve materials will remain in the Math Library. Requests to place materials on reserve should be forwarded to Ashley Nelson
Library Operations. Judy Siebert Maseles, Engineering Librarian, (882-2715, will handle questions regarding collections and services, including book and journal order requests. One daily mail delivery and pick-up between Ellis and other campus libraries will be maintained. Video equipment currently on hand in the Math Library will be transferred to Ellis Library Circulation. General questions may be directed to a new email address, which will be made available in the next two weeks.