You are invited to a hands-on session to learn more about myLEARN, the new online learning program sponsored by both UM System and campus HR. myLearn is available on myHR (myHR > Self Service > Personal Information > HR Training – myLearn). All faculty and staff have complete access to the program offerings, including online courses and other resources—from highly technical topics to software application instruction, business skills development and legal compliance awareness. Some programs offer certification to verify the training was completed.
Come see what all the excitement is about with SkillSoft. The first training session will take place Tuesday, Dec. 21, from 2:00 – 3:00 p.m., room 213 Ellis Library. The second will take place Wednesday, Jan. 5, from 10:00 – 11:00 a.m., room 213 Ellis. Representatives from System and campus HR will conduct the training. Release time is available. I’ll send an Outlook notice and ask for RSVP’s as space is limited to X number of users.
Whether you attend a training session or not, I encourage you to access SkillSoft, as we need to have discussions of what to do with this resource at both the group and individual levels. For example, if I want to do some individual training, questions arise like how many hours can I devote to training per week/month; who identifies the courses I can access; do they have to be job related or can I explore other topics; and so on. My two-cents is the more individuals who look at SkillSoft and its features, the better the conversation we can have on making the most of it for staff development.