The MU Libraries will hold a forum on the topic of “Free Speech within a Diverse Workplace,” to include discussions of employee rights and responsibilities as well as the role of social media in the workplace. The forum will be held Tuesday, December 14, from 10:30 – 12:00, 103-A Stotler Lounge, Memorial Union.
Noel English and Noor Azizan-Gardner to facilitate the forum. Both are part of the Chancellor’s Diversity Initiative – Noel as the Director of MU Equity, and Noor as Director of Diversity Programming and Professional Development. They will begin the forum with a review of MU’s and the Libraries’ commitment to diversity followed by an assessment of case studies to illustrate where employee rights and responsibilities seem clear-cut, and where gray areas exists.
This is an important topic, and all library employees are invited to attend. We are all affected by political, cultural and social issues in the workplace, and we need to be able to express differences in opinion in respectful, courteous and constructive ways. The forum will explore ways to accomplish this. Release time is available; RSVP’s are not required.