Helping Your Faculty: Incorporate Library Resources and Tools into Online Courses

On October 14, the MU Libraries offered a seminar for the newly hired ET@MO’s Academic Advising Technicians  on the following topics:  ERes; Integrating library resources, including linking books and articles, into Blackboard; Library tools such as LibX and Communicator; and Library Instruction.   Prior to the seminar, a getting-to-know-you reception was held to facilitate collaboration between the ET@MO liaisons and subject librarians.  The Liaisons will be working with faculty in Arts and Sciences, Human Environmental Sciences,  Nursing, Health Related Professions, and Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources.   Presentations were made by Goodie Bhullar, June DeWeese, Rhonda Whithaus, Judy Maseles and Will McCrary.   Another reception/training  session will be held later this fall for those who could not attend and for when additional Academic Advising Technicians are hired.

New Posts, Oct. 4-8

  1. Darling to Join the Springer Advisory Board
  2. Events at the MU Libraries
  3. Cataloging Webinars
  4. MU Libraries Staff in the News
  5. MU Libraries’ 2010 Heart of Missouri United Way Campaign
  6. Tech Tip: Computer Security
  7. Current MUSE Posts
  8. The Art of the Book: Journals Then and Now – Exhibition and Exhibit Catalog
  9. Healthy for Life Update
  10. Search Update – Special Collections Librarian/Archivist I (Print Collections)
  11. Update on HSL Information Services Librarian Position
  12. October Library Start Date Anniversary Recognition
  13. Lunchtime Leadership Book Talk, Oct. 12
  14. 2010 Human Resources Services Training Conference

Cataloging Webinars

RDA for administrators: Managing the Transition in Your library – ALCTS series
Oct. 13, 1:00-2:00 pm
Ellis Library, Room 4F51a

Released in June 2010, Resource Description and Access (RDA) is the intended successor to the Anglo-American Cataloging Rules (AACR2). At this initial stage, much remains unknown about the impact that RDA will have on library staff, metadata, systems, and services. One thing is clear: adopting RDA will not happen immediately, and will not be uniform across all institutions. Over the coming months and years, libraries will have different timeframes and levels of support for the shift to RDA. Administrators will require accurate information, particularly from early adopters, on what is required to implement the new cataloging code. During this beginning period, while the U.S. cataloging community awaits a formal decision on adoption resulting from the U.S. National Libraries RDA Test process, how do library administrators and cataloging managers begin to think about preparing their staff and their systems for the transition from AACR2 to RDA?

This ALCTS Webinar will attempt to address, from the perspective of the manager, some of the major issues related to adopting the new cataloging code, including:

  • allocating staff and financial resources to understanding, planning for, and adopting RDA
  • managing and organizing training for staff
  • implications of RDA on policies and procedures for original and copy cataloging
  • preparing the ILS for RDA metadata
  • managing the integration of RDA and AACR2 records and their displays in the catalog
  • managing the impact on vended authority control and cataloging
  • assessing the overall costs and benefits of RDA, and its impact on users and public services
  • assessing the consequences and potential of RDA for the development and design of future information systems and data structures
  • developing mechanisms for sharing implementation experiences across the profession.

Presenter:  Christopher Cronin

New models of metadata – ALA Tech Source series
Oct. 27, 1:30-2:30
Ellis Library, Room 4F51a

Presenters Karen Coyle, Chris Oliver, and Diane Hillmann will offer a perspective on RDA from the context of metadata models and with an eye toward sharing library data.  Learn the about sharing metadata on the Web and early experiments in library data and RDA. Topics include:

  • Semantic Web concepts
  • FRBR – the library world’s model
  • Application profiles
  • Transforming library data

RDA: Benefits for users and catalogers – ALCTS series
Nov. 3, 1:00-2:00 pm
Ellis Library, Room 4F51a

This webinar will explore the benefits of RDA. It will begin by looking at how RDA evolved from AACR2, and will discuss how RDA‘s new direction is advantageous for both users and cataloguers. Do RDA‘s objectives and principles have an impact on the user? How do RDA‘s instructions make a difference for the cataloguer? Will resource descriptions be more precise? Can RDA data support improved navigation? Will RDA allow us to get cataloguing data out of library silos? The webinar will be an opportunity to look at these questions and consider the practical effect of RDA guidelines and instructions on resource description and resource discovery.

Presenter:  Christine Oliver

RDA–Designed for current and future environments  – ALA Tech Source series
Nov. 10, 1:30-2:30
Ellis Library, Room 4F51a

Learn about RDA’s place on a continuum  from legacy data to greater interoperability. Topics include:

  • RDA as AACR2 deconstructed
  • Alignment with the conceptual models, FRBR and FRAD
  • RDA as a flexible and extensible framework
  • Recording data that is human readable and machine actionable
  • Distinguishing  between recording data and encoding or presenting data
  • Implementing RDA in libraries:  the point of transition

Presenter:   Chris Oliver

RDA vocabularies in the semantic web – ALA Tech Source series

Nov. 17, 1:30-2:30
Ellis Library, Room 4F51a

Learn about the RDA Vocabularies and the Open Metadata Registry project. Topics include:

  • RDA Vocabularies in relation to the instructions
  • The Open Metadata Registry and the RDA Vocabularies
  • The Structure of RDA Vocabularies
  • Continuing work  of the DCMI/RDA Task Group

Presenter:  Diane Hillmann

FRBR as a foundation for RDA – ALCTS series

Dec. 15, 1:00-2:00 pm
Ellis Library, Room 4F51a

This webinar will cover the basics of FRBR, including its development and contents. Participants will leave the webinar with an understanding of the entity-relationship model on which FRBR is based, the FRBR entities and relationships, and the FRBR user tasks. The webinar will then address, through an exploration of RDA itself, how FRBR lies at the foundation of RDA’s structure, and what implications that might have on future database structures for our catalog descriptions.

Presenter:  Robert L. Maxwell

More information:

ALCTS series:

ALA TechSource series:

MU Libraries’ 2010 Heart of Missouri United Way Campaign

The MU Libraries’ 2010 United Way Campaign ends Friday, October 15th.   With about a week left, we urge you to make your pledge, if you have not already contributed, and to personally help this concept of giving improve the lives of thousands in the community.

Please send your United Way Pledge form to:

Ellis, Mark Executive Staff Assistant I
Administration, 104 Ellis 882-9169

Even if, at this time, you can only afford a relatively small gift, your donation may make a significant difference in the life of someone living in this area due to the efficiency of the Heart of Missouri United Way.  This link will take you to a video illustrating the scope of United Way efforts in Mid-Missouri.   If you would like to talk to someone personally about the campaign, please contact one of the members of the MU Libraries Heart of Missouri United Way Campaign Committee:

Hainen, Mary Library Information Specialist II
Catalog Dept, 52 Ellis 882-4814

Riley, Ann Associate Director of the Access, Collections, and Technical Services Division, 52 Ellis Library 882-1685

Roper, Paula Social Sciences Librarian
Ellis Reference, 168 Ellis 882-3326

Last year, the MU Libraries’ participation in the United Way was the highest it had ever been.  Please send in your pledge to ensure that this level of support continues.

Pledge forms received by the October 15, 2010 will be entered into the second drawing for concert tickets.  Each winner will receive one set of tickets.  There will be 5 sets awarded—a set consists of 2 tickets to the same event.

Grand Prize:  The names of all of those who return their forms by October 15th will be entered in a drawing for, not a $50, but a $75 Columbia Mall gift certificate.  In addition to Mall stores, many other merchants in the area now accept this gift card.

If you have returned your pledge form or intend to do so, accept or sincerest thanks,

Mary Hainen, Ann Riley, & Paula Roper – MU Libraries’ United Way Campaign Committee

Tech Tip: Computer Security

To prevent the installation of malware on your computer, consider following these precautions:

  1. Never open an attachment in a forwarded message unless you are positive you know what the attachment is. Never assume it is okay because you know the person. They could unknowingly be forwarding infected malware.
  2. Never click inside of a pop up when on the internet. Always close out of it by pressing the “X” in the corner or cancel or close.
  3. If your computer sends you a message that it has been infected by malware and you need to download a random program to get rid of it, always opt out.  This could be a sign that you are already infected. By downloading an obscure program, you could only make it worse. Note: Some malware can look very professional and legitimate. Always use caution with anti-virus programs.
  4. Avoid downloading games, or other free software packages.

The Art of the Book: Journals Then and Now – Exhibition and Exhibit Catalog

A travelling exhibit featuring unique items from the MU Libraries (SCARaB Division) opened at UMSL in July and is now traveling to The University of the West of England and The University of Southampton in the UK.  The traveling exhibit contains facsimiles of unique materials held by the MU Special Collections & Rare Books Department.  The exhibit has an accompanying exhibit catalog by the same title with items from the Fragmenta Manuscripta collection reproduced and described by Alla Barabtarlo, Michael Holland, and Karen Witt.  The Curator of the exhibit and editor of the catalog is Marian Amies, Associate Professor in the Department of Art and Art  History at UMSL.

This is a link to the general exhibit announcement: