Cataloging Webinars – Corrections and More Information

One of the two series of upcoming webinars is “Using Technology in Library Training Using RDA: Moving into the Metadata Future” sponsored by ALA Tech Source.  These three webinars are 1.5 hours long.  The original New Notes posting ( indicated that they are one hour long.  Also, because of a scheduling conflict, the October 27 webinar will be in Ellis 4G41.

Session 1: October 27  — 1:30-3:00 – Moved to Ellis 4G41
New Models of Metadata with Karen Coyle

Session 2: November 10 — 1:30-3:00 – Ellis 4F51A
RDA: Designated for Current and Future Environments with Chris Oliver

Session 3: November 17 — 1:30-3:00 – Ellis 4F51A
RDA Vocabularies in the Semantic Web with Diane Hillmann

Preliminary reading material for this series (optional):

Karen Coyle: Understanding the semantic web:  bibliographic data and metadata, Chapters 1 and 2 (Library Technology Reports, 46 #1)

Diane Hillman, Karen Coyle, Jon Phipps and Gordon Dunsire:  RDA vocabularies: process, outcome, use.

Barbara Tillett: What RDA is and isn’t (webcast) (Module 1)

RDA prospectus.

Tom Delsey:  Moving cataloguing into the 21st century.  (presentation with slides and notes)

RDA scope and structure.

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