Local Collection Heading Updated in MERLIN

The Catalog Department recently updated the local collection headings we use in MERLIN. All generally follow one standard now: Collection name (University of Missouri—Columbia. Libraries).

Background: Local collection headings are created to pull together resources received or purchased as gifts (William Peden Short Story Collection) and to provide a way to access material that is treated as a collection (World War II Poster Collection).

Over the years we have used formal and informal headings; some were available as subject searches and some as author searches. We reviewed all the headings several months ago, studied Library of Congress practices, and discussed current headings with public services staff in the areas that have the collections. Based on the information we gathered we standardized what we are using.

A list of the headings is available on the Catalog Department web site: http://mulibraries.missouri.edu/staff/catalogdept/collectionheadings.htm.
You can retrieve these in MERLIN with the author search: MU Collections.

Former headings are still in MERLIN. We will leave them on records through July to give everyone a chance to update information you have.

–Felicity Dykas

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