Action and Information Items From LMT, May 4

  • INFORMATION ITEM:  LMT is looking into planning a program for Open Access Week, October 18-24, 2010.
  • INFORMATION ITEM: LMT felt the Library Planning Meeting was very useful and gives a lot of material for them to take into the LMT retreat in July.
    • ACTION ITEM: Mark Ellis will post to the staff web page this week:
      • Jim’s Power Point that he used during the meeting.
      • Notes by IMLS students
      • Transcribed list of items written on index cards during the “Library of Excellence” exercise.
      • Notification to staff will be sent by all staff email and news notes.
    • ACTION ITEM: Further suggestions and comments will be requested with notification that the meeting material was posted.
      • Library staff will be invited to comment by email or by using the anonymous suggestion form linked from the library staff Web page.
  • ACTION ITEM: Mark Ellis will work with Jim Cogswell to compile past “top ten” lists as an ongoing record of library wide accomplishments and related events.
  • INFORMATION ITEM: MOBIUS Executive Council approved charging for services and products provided for a single institutions or cluster.  Implications for MU Libraries are still being identified.
  • INFORMATION ITEM: Even though MOspace has been promoted by announcements and in the press, LMT and other Library employees continue to find many opportunities to promote and explain what it is and how it can be of service to individuals and organizations associated with MU.
    • Promotion of this service will need to be considered an on-going task.

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