Tech Tip: Outlook Sticky Notes

Utilizing Outlook’s sticky note feature, you may post notes to yourself electronically as you would on a paper sticky note. Notes are good temporary place to keep information until you have time to deal with it more permanently.

Examples of when to use notes:

  • Directions on how to do something
  • a to-do list
  • a software trick or tip
  • Website URL
  • Vendor information

Open a new note:

1. To access Outlook notes, open Microsoft Outlook.

2. On the left hand side of Outlook, click Notes or the shortcut icon .

3. On the File menu, point to New, and then click Note.

4. Immediately type, or paste text, into note. The first line is information that you will see as the note title.

5. Changes are automatically saved as you type. Unlike other Microsoft software, there is not a need to save before closing the Outlook note.


1. Create a new note from anywhere in Outlook by pressing CTRL+SHIFT+N (or just Ctrl + N)

2. Double-click anywhere in the Notes window to create a new note

Categorize notes by color!

A new note is yellow by default, but you are not limited to just this one color. You can assign your notes a customized color that aligns with your existing categories.

1. Right click on the note icon to open the contextual menu.

2. Place the mouse pointer over the Categorize option to automatically open your categories in another contextual menu.

3. Left click on the category you wish to make the new or existing note. The note changes to the appropriate color.

Notes are versatile:

• Forward a note to someone by attaching the note to an e-mail message by right-clicking the note, and then clicking Forward.

• Easily print a note by right-clicking a note, and then click Print.

• Arrange notes as you’d like by clicking and dragging them wherever you’d like in the Notes window.

This tip was provided by Jack Batterson and was sent out by Columbia College Technology Services.

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