Save the Date: MU Libraries/DAC to Sponsor a Program on the Civil Rights Act of 1964

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 celebrated its 45th year of enactment in 2009. Come hear three MU faculty members discuss the Act from three perspectives:

  • Dr. Charles Sampson, Truman School of Public Affairs, will talk about the political/social context in which the Act was passed.
  • Dr. Michael Middleton, Deputy Chancellor & Professor of Law, will provide an assessment of the impact of the Act for the first five years following its passage.
  • Dr. Jacquelyn Litt, Director of Women and Gender Studies, will share a current perspective and challenge the audience to think about other rights/protections that could be added to the Act.

Release time will be available with supervisor approval.

Date: March 23, 2010
Time: 3:00 – 4:30 p.m.
Place: Jesse Wrench Auditorium

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