Healthy for Life Update

Healthy for Life would like to wish you a happy and healthy new year! We are committed to providing you with convenient, affordable, and effective programs in 2010. More information is available in the January Wellness Newsletter or on the Healthy for Life website.

Now Enrolling—Spring ACTHealthy classes!
Tired of setting health goals and not reaching them? ACTHealthy is a FREE 6-week class that teaches strategies and offers support to make healthy changes in your life in only 50-minutes, once a week, campus-wide Monday – Thursday at 12:05pm and Thursdays at 5:05pm. Orientation will be held the week of February 8. Space is limited; why not join now with a friend? Contact us at

ACTHealthy is a research study sponsored by Healthy for Life: the T.E. Atkins UM Wellness Program and the School of Health Professions. The purpose of the project is to see if this workplace self-management education program can help employees make healthy changes in their lives. If this sounds like something you are interested in doing, contact us at

Stress Reduction- Now Enrolling!
The Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Program is an 8 week class that teaches skills for responding to stress with greater skill and creativity using formal mindfulness skills(meditation, yoga, body scan) and information about stress, communication, and wellness. Participants will be expected to engage in daily practice exercises outside of class. Orientation: January 20 at 5:30.Class: Wednesdays (Jan. 27 – March 17)(5:30-7:30pm) at the Memorial Union. Full day retreat on March 6 (9am-4pm).Cost: $40 ($20 refunded if you attend 7 of 8 classes). SPACE IS LIMITED. For more information or to register for the orientation meeting, contact Dr. Lynn Rossy,

Eat for Life Online- Now Enrolling!
Healthy for Life’s regular 10 week program on creating a healthy relationship with your food, body, and mind is now a course you can take online in your own home. Video and audio components teach you the foundational mindfulness practices (meditation and yoga) and the BASICS of Mindful Eating. If you have a history of chronic dieting, have rigid rules about eating, or find yourself eating when you’re stressed, bored, or unhappy, this may be the program for you. Cost is $60 for course materials. The course starts the week of January 18. Contact to enroll. Click here for more information.

Affordable Fitness Classes at Work!
Take advantage of these classes that fit your budget. Full payment is due at the beginning of the first class and space is limited. Please contact the instructor directly to register or for questions.

• Yoga: Jan. 8- Feb. 19 at Missouri Psychiatric Center. Class meets on Fridays from 12:10-12:50 p.m. and costs $14 for the 7 week session. Pre-registration is required and registration deadline is Jan 7. To sign up, email Kate Walker,

• Office Stretching: Jan 12-Feb 16 at 2800 Maguire Atrium (Printing Services). Class meets on Tuesdays from 11:30-12:00 and costs $6 for the 6 week session. Pre-registration is required, and registration deadline is Jan 11. To sign up, email Lisa Nagy,

• YogaFit Mat Class: Jan.26-Mar.2 at Lewis Hall Room 3. Session meets Tuesdays from 4:10-4:50 p.m. and costs $12 for 6-week session. Pre-registration is required and registration deadline is Jan. 22. Click here to sign up or email Ashley Jenkins,

• Office Fitness for Men: Jan. 28 – Mar. 18 at Physics Library. Class meets on Thursdays from 12:10-12:50 p.m. and costs $16 for the 8 week session. Pre-registration is required and registration deadline is Jan 21. To sign up, email Nani Fudge,

• Office Class: Jan. 29 – Mar. 19 Lewis Hall room 3. Class meets Fridays 12:10-12:50 p.m. and costs $16.00 for the 8 week session. Pre-registration is required, and registration deadline is Jan.22. To sign up click here or email Ashley Jenkins,

• Office Stretching: Feb. 3- Mar. 10 at Dalton Research Library Rm 132. Class meets on Wednesdays from 12:10-12:50 p.m. and costs $12 for the 6 week session. Pre-registration is required and registration deadline is Jan 29. To sign up, email Lisa Nagy,

• Yoga Flow: Feb 4-Mar 11 at Lewis Hall room 3. Class meets on Thursdays from 12:10-12:50 and costs $12 for the 6 week session. Pre-registration is required, and registration deadline is Jan 28. To sign up, email Rebekka,

• Office Class: Feb 4-Mar 11 at Memorial Union (rotating rooms). Class meets on Thursdays from 12:10-12:50 and costs $12 for the 6 week session. Pre-registration is required, and registration deadline is Jan 28. Click here to sign up or email Ashley Jenkins,

Weight Watchers Open House- MU Campus
Weight Watchers at Work will be hosting an open house meeting, Jan. 20 at Clark Hall, Room 542 from 12-1 p.m. No need to register, just show up! These meetings are open to everyone, so if you have a friend who’s not an employee, bring them along. This 13-week session costs $156 (cash, check or credit card). Payments can be made in three installments of $52 each to be taken at the first meeting and deposited monthly. All faculty and staff who attend 12 of the 13 classes qualify for a 25% rebate through Healthy for Life. Weight Watchers fees are fully reimbursable through the Flexible Spending Account with appropriate medical documentation. Questions? E-mail Melissa Willett,

Weight Watchers Open House- University Hospital
Weight Watchers at Work will be hosting an open house meeting Jan. 27 at University Hospital, Room M586 from 11:45 a.m.-12:45 p.m. No need to register, just show up! These meetings are open to everyone, so if you have a friend who’s not an employee, bring them along. This 17-week session costs $186 (cash, check or credit card). Payments can be made in three installments of $62 each to be taken at the first meeting and deposited monthly. All faculty and staff who miss no more than one class qualify for a 25% rebate through Healthy for Life. Weight Watchers fees are fully reimbursable through the Flexible Spending Account with appropriate medical documentation. Questions? E-mail Melissa Willett,

Friday Night Rec Center opportunities
Members of the Mizzou campus community who are not already members of the Student Recreation Center are welcome to attend every Friday night from 5:00-9:00 p.m. Each one-time pass costs $2 per person and a valid Mizzou ID is required. For more information, please call the Student Recreation Center Membership Desk at 882-2066 or visit the Mizzou Rec website.

Volunteers needed for Exercise Study
The Department of Nutrition and Exercise Physiology is seeking men and women with type 2 diabetes between 30 and 65 years of age to participate in a physical activity study in the Exercise Physiology Laboratory. Specifically, we are seeking non-smoking individuals who complete less than 60 minutes of planned exercise each week. The study involves completing a 5-10 day exercise program while changes in your blood glucose levels and cardiovascular health are measured. Participants will undergo body composition, fitness and general health assessments. Monetary compensation is available. If you are interested in participating, please contact the Study Coordinator at 882-6892 or

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