Invitation from the MU Libraries’ Diversity Action Committee: Town Hall Discussions

The Libraries’ Diversity Action Committee (DAC) invites you to attend two town hall discussion sessions as it kicks off its 2009 program year. The DAC works to support and promote the Libraries’ diversity mission and to support the University’s diversity initiatives.

February 12, 1:30 – 2:30 p.m., S304 Memorial Union
The first town hall session features Noor Azizan-Gardner, Director of Diversity Programming/Professional Development at MU, housed within the office of Assistant Deputy Chancellor for Diversity. Noor will provide information on the Chancellor’s Diversity Initiative program. By visiting with Noor, library employees can learn about the Chancellor’s Diversity Initiative and how it impacts the campus, as well as departments, staff and students. In addition, Noor will provide a brief overview of how diversity training has evolved away from “Diversity 101” and towards developing “cultural competency.”

Release time is available with supervisor approval. RSVP’s are not required. Look for an Outlook e-mail to serve as a reminder.

February 18, 2009 1:30pm – 3:00pm, Jesse Wrench Auditorium (South Memorial Union, first floor)
A panel discussion with leaders of campus-level activities that promote diversity at MU. Along with providing facts and figures of their programs, the panelists will talk with us about how the MU Libraries could support their programs as well as the students/faculty affected by their activities. In addition, they will share the perspectives on how the MU Libraries could be even more of a central point for diversity-related activities.

Presenters: Noel English (Director, MU Equity Office), Dr. Mary Jo Herde, (Coordinator for Special Programs, Asian Affairs Center), Dr. James Scott (Associate Vice Provost for International Initiatives; Director of the International Center), and Dr. Jeffrey Williams (Assistant to the Vice Provost – Enrollment Management)

Release time is available with supervisor approval. RSVP’s are not required. Look for an Outlook e-mail to serve as a reminder.

Both sessions feature plenty of time for Q&A.

Competency Level Increase Recognition

Congratulations to Alan Jones and Karla Geerlings, Technical Services, for successfully qualifying for competency level increases. Both move to LIS II, Level 4.

To qualify, Karla and Alan demonstrated a level of consistency and quality in their work that met the criteria for advancement. Thirty-eight library employees have now realized a competency level increase since implementation of the program. To learn more about the MU Libraries’ LIA/LIS Classification/Compensation/ Competency plans, go to

Changes in Ellis Library Due to Closing of Brady Commons

The following changes will be made before or during the Spring Semester to handle increased student need in Ellis Library due to the closing of Brady Commons:

  • Two additional group study rooms (Room 2E21 and Room 3E21) are available for reservation.
  • “The Cave” now holds the necessary furniture to temporarily enable its use as a study space. When construction begins for the teleconferencing room, this area will no longer be used as study space.
  • Thirty new computers are available in the Information Commons.
  • Two additional scan stations will be installed and available near the Information Commons by the beginning of this semester. One will be a Mac, and the other a PC. They will have internet access limited to the MU Web site (including Webmail) and printing through the print mart system. The scan stations will have access to the MU network and will allow students to use their MU email accounts, print and use their bengal space while using the scan station. Students will be able to scan articles and send to any university issued e-mail account including their own.
  • Plans are in the works to have a dedicated computer for printing. The Journalism Library has already implemented an “express” printing station, and it has been successful.
  • Administration is working with Campus Facilities to create more space and to provide additional tables and chairs in the immediate area of the Bookmark Café. It is expected that this will approximately double the Café’s current capacity. This expansion should occur in February.

Tech Tip

Click at the point where you want the highlighting to begin. Now hold down the Shift key and click at the point where you want the highlighting to end. Everything in between will be highlighted immediately.

Korean Students Visit MU Libraries

The MU Libraries, in partnership with the Asian Affairs Center, is hosting two visiting Korean undergraduate students for the next four weeks. The students are part of a group of Korean students visiting MU via the English & Professional Immersion (EPI) program sponsored by the Asian Center. Jina Yang and Taewoon Kim, both of Chonnam National University, Korea, will spend two days a week at the MU Libraries and gain exposure to how an academic library operates. Taewoon is a Journalism undergraduate and will spend time at the Journalism Library; Jina is pursuing a bachelors in library science and will spend time in Admin, Technical Services-Cataloging and Health Sciences Library-ILL.

The EPI program provides unpaid, not-for-credit opportunities for international students to improve their English and experience American culture. More information on EPI can be found at the MU Asian Affairs Center.