Save the Date for Celebration of Service, April 23

This year’s Celebration of Service will be Thursday, April 23rd in the Grand Reading Room (Room 201) of Ellis Library.

Lunch will be served from 11:45 am to 12:30 pm and will be provided courtesy of MULSA. Employees are asked to use their lunch breaks if they are interested in attending the catered luncheon.

The Celebration of Service will take place from 12:30 -1:30 pm. Release time is available with supervisor approval.

Watch for an invitation in Outlook.

If you have any questions, please contact a member of the Celebration of Service Planning Group: Shannon Cary, Mark Ellis, Ann Riley, Colleen Smith and Mike Spears.

Eva Johnston Exhibit at Ellis Library

To celebrate Women’s History Month, the Departments of Classics, Women’s and Gender Studies, and the American Association of University Women, Columbia Branch, partnered to salute the life and legacy of Eva Johnston. Johnston, a native Missourian, was the first female professor of Classics at MU as well as its first Dean of Women. A residence hall is named in her honor.

The display is entitled “Eva Johnston: Classicist, Leader, Mentor” and can be found in a wooden case on the main floor of Ellis Library from March 2 to 31, 2009. It includes photographs, letters, reports, translations, books, and pamphlets all made available courtesy of MU Archives, Western Historical Manuscript Collection, the Classics Department, Ellis Library, and the AAUW- Columbia Branch.

The display text, written by Carlynn Trout, highlights Johnston’s work as a scholar, teacher, dean, and organizer of various organizations at the University and in Columbia. Dr. Jane Biers, AAUW, assisted with the installation.

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MU Libraries Are Keeping Busy as Student Populations Grows

Ellis Library Statistics

  • Book checkout at Ellis was 8,575 in December 2007 compared to 11,277 in 2008 for a 32% increase.
  • Ellis E Reserves for December 2007 were 14,497 and for December 2008 were 23,729 or a 64% increase.
  • In house Shelving for December 2007 was 4,113 and for December 2008 was 5,214 so for a  27% increase.
  • Turnstile count for December 2007 was 50,366 and December 2008 was 94,673 for an 88% increase.

Journalism Library Statistics

  • Comparing Journalism Library circulation statistics for Jan 07-Jan 08 to Jan 08-Jan09 showed that we have increased circulation over 209%

07/08= 8077
08/09= 16895

  • 2. Journalism Library turnstile counts increased 215% (comparing Jan. 08 to Jan. 09) (Turnstile statistics are not available for Aug.- Nov., 2008 because the system was operating erratically during those months. This is unfortunate because we celebrated our centennial in Sept. and had many visitors that could not be counted.)

Jan. 2008 = 9023
Jan. 2009 = 28423

  • Journalism Library Regular Reserve Loans

2007/2008 = 1776
2008/2009 = 3966
increase of 2,190
123% increase

  • Journalism Library Electronic Reserves

2007/2008 =78727
2008/2009 = 83093
increase of 4366
6% increase

Afghans for Afghans

Crochet hooks {{fi|Erikokoisia virkkuukoukkuja.
Image via Wikipedia

Knitworking, the MU Libraries knitting and crocheting group, is trying to organize to send hand-knit or crocheted blankets, socks, mittens, hats, vests, and sweaters to children in Afghanistan through the group Afghans for Afghans.

Interested in helping?
-If you knit or crochet, please join the group by emailing Cindy Cotner at The group usually meets every Tuesday during the lunch hour to knitwork and network.
-Even if you don’t knit or crochet, you could donate yarn or money towards purchasing yarn. For details, email Katie Carr at

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Severe Weather Tips

Driving through a section of flash flooded roa...
Image via Wikipedia

Tornados are not the only severe weather phenomena that we should be aware during the severe weather season. Flash floods and floods from steady, consistent rain storms are the #1 weather – related killer with around 140 deaths recorded in the U.S. each year.

Flash flood safety rules:
•    WHEN INSIDE: If ordered to evacuate or if rising water is threatening, leave immediately and get to higher ground!
•    IF CAUGHT OUTDOORS: Go to higher ground immediately! Avoid small rivers or streams, low spots, valleys, dry riverbeds, etc.
•    Do not try to walk through flowing water more than ankle deep!
•    Do not allow children to play around streams, drainage ditches or viaducts, storm drains, or other flooded areas!
•    IF IN A VEHICLE DO NOT DRIVE THROUGH FLOODED AREAS! Even if it looks shallow enough to cross. The large majority of deaths due to flash flooding are due to people driving through flooded areas. Water only one foot deep can displace 1500 lbs! Two feet of water can EASILY carry most automobiles! Roadways concealed by floodwaters may not be intact.

Information taken from the NOAA weather services website.   —Ellis Library Security

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New Posts, February 23-27

  1. Meet MOspace
  2. Questions Are Popping Up on MU Libraries Web Site
  3. Tech Tip
  4. Free Tickets Available for Violinist Chloe Hanslip, April 28
  5. Preservation 101
  6. Staff Representative Committee Meetings
  7. Diversity Action Committee Web Site
  8. Advanced Grant Writing
  9. Libraries Funds Will Be Returned to Provost
  10. Diane Johnson Receives MLA Conference Grant
  11. MU Libraries in the News
  12. Healthy for Life Update