Celebration of Service is April 23

Fun Happy Colorful Birthday Party Balloons
Image by Pink Sherbet Photography via Flickr

This year’s Celebration of Service will be Thursday, April 23rd in the Grand Reading Room (Room 201) of Ellis Library.

Lunch will be served from 11:45 am to 12:30 pm and will be provided courtesy of MULSA. Employees are asked to use their lunch breaks if they are interested in attending the catered luncheon.

The Celebration of Service will take place from 12:30 -1:30 pm. Release time is available with supervisor approval.

If you have any questions, please contact a member of the Celebration of Service Planning Group: Shannon Cary, Mark Ellis, Ann Riley, Colleen Smith and Mike Spears.

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Tech Tip

Need a screen shot but aren’t sure how to do it?

Have the window that you want to capture visible. Don’t forget that you’re capturing the entire screen, not just the window, so don’t have that picture of you in your pajamas peaking out when you copy!

From a Windows keyboard: Push the F12 key. Nothing will happen, so you won’t know if it worked until you go into a program and try to paste it. So, go to the program (Word for example). You then want to use the Paste function and the picture should appear. In Word, for example, click the Home tab. Paste is the first choice on the left.

On a Mac keyboard: Push the F13 key. The rest of the steps are the same as the Windows keyboard.

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Human Resources Spring Seminars

The Staff Advisory Council has asked Human Resource Services to assist with Staff Recognition Week by coordinating a few seminars again this year. HR is trying to keep marketing costs down and has asked departments to share this information electronically.

For more information on the training, and to access the registration form, go to HR’s web page and sign up!

Seminar dates are May 19-21, 2009 and all sessions are in Memorial Union.

Seminars include:

-Take Charge of Your Finances
-Preparing a Staff Development Award Proposal
-Understanding Retirement
-Interviewing for a Job
-Managing Difficult Bosses and Coworkers
-Experiential Stress Management
-Principles of Investing on a Shoestring Budget
-Developing a Resume

Please take some time to enjoy these seminars presented especially for our Columbia Campus Staff!

All sessions are free and this is a great opportunity to set aside some time for personal and professional development. All sessions will be held at Memorial Union and the speakers are mostly MU staff and faculty who are all experts in their fields. Release time is available with supervisor approval. As an FYI, employees in academic titles have been able to attend on a space-available basis.

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Healthy for Life Update

Scotty Boman Libertarian Challenger
Image via Wikipedia

Farmers Market
Mark your calendars! On April 22nd, there will be an Earth Day Farmers Market at the Lowry Mall from 12-3pm. Join in the fun by purchasing locally grown produce, meat, flowers, and more. Learn how to keep our earth and ourselves healthy be recycling, conserving electricity, biking and walking, eating well and other easy ways to do your part. Bring cash!! No credit or student charge will be accepted. Rain date- April 29th. This event is organized by the Wellness Resource Center. Contact Julie Tobias for more information at 884-9411.

Workplace Ergonomics
Would you like to better understand basic ergonomics, user-friendly workstations, and office associated ergonomic problems? The majority of associated office ergonomic problems can be corrected by the person experiencing discomfort by following guidelines found here. If problems persist following several weeks since making appropriate changes a request for an on-site evaluation can be made using the questionnaire located in the Related Links box and FAQ found on the website. For more questions, please contact David Dorth at 882-7018 or dorthd@missouri.edu.

Join us at the Quarterdeck Building on Lemone Industrial Blvd this Saturday, April 18th for a run/walk to benefit the MU’s Division of Pulmonary/Critical Care & Environmental Medicine. Kids and pets are welcome. Registration opens at 8:00am and run/walk begins at 9:00am Health Fair will follow. Cost is $25 for families and $15 for individuals. For more information please call 573-882-2105 or email Emily Perrung at peurrunge@missouri.edu.

Occupational Stress Workshops
The University of Missouri Employee Assistance Program (EAP) will provide a series of occupational stress workshops designed to help employees manage a wide variety of stressors connected to the work contact. The UMHS series will occur on the first Friday of every month in room CE505 from 12-1pm. The campus series will occur on the first Tuesday of each month in Memorial Union, Room S203 from 12-1pm. For more information, please contact Tammie Tilmon at 882-6701 or tilmont@missouri.edu.

Walk a Hound, Lose a Pound

Are you looking to make a new friend or two? Help a shelter dog get some much needed exercise and fresh air while walking for better health in the Walk a Hound, Lose a Pound program. Participants receive a t-shirt and leashes and dog treats are provided. Participants will meet at the Central Missouri Humane Society. To register, call Parks and Recreation at 874-7460 or go online to www.gocolumbiamo.com.

Yoga in the Park
The 3rd Annual Yoga in the Park event will be held this Sunday, April 19th from 10am to 4pm. The event is free and open to the public and will be held at the East End of Stephens Lake Park. A children’s class for kids age 4+ will be held from 11-12pm, with all other sessions geared toward adults. Wear comfortable clothing, sunglasses, and bring a mat and water.

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Worlds connect @ your library: celebrate National Library Week at Columbia’s Libraries, April 12-18

(COLUMBIA, MO) – It’s National Library Week, a time to celebrate the contributions of libraries, librarians and library workers in schools, campuses and communities nationwide–and the perfect time to discover how worlds connect @ your library.

The MU Libraries are celebrating National Library Week by launching on Twitter and asking our users to send us their thoughts, ideas and suggestions for the Libraries. The MU Libraries are connecting with more users in more ways than ever. This year, 50% more patrons have walked through the doors of Ellis Library than visited last year. To accommodate these users, 35 new computers have been added to the Information Commons, two new group study rooms have been made available and additional seating has been added to the Bookmark Café. To keep up with what is happening at Ellis Library and the eight branch libraries, visit our Web site at mulibraries.missouri.edu, join us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter.

“The Columbia Public Library is seeing similar increases,” says Melissa Carr, Library Director. “We have added computers and services to keep up with the influx as well.”
We now have 25 new Internet-access computers, and we have added program sessions to help patrons applying for jobs online or who are working on resumés. Our virtual branch is busier than ever and features new information content to help patrons answer many commonly asked questions. You can now also subscribe to regular library news e-mails, receive our RSS feeds or follow us on Twitter.

Stafford Library at Columbia College celebrates National Library Week with patrons by providing free coffee in the library during the week. The library’s collection is highlighted with displays and informational items. “Columbia College students use the library not only to study but to prepare for class presentations and to meet with friends and classmates,” states Janet Caruthers, Library Director. “We are always striving to provide resources and an environment that are beneficial to our students’ needs.”

“Everyday, libraries in Columbia help to transform our community,” says Jim Cogswell, Director of MU Libraries. “At the MU Libraries, the Columbia Public Library and other libraries in the area, people of all backgrounds come together (in person and online) to meet up with friends and study, to attend lectures and concerts or view an exhibit, to do research with the assistance of a trained professional, to get help finding a job or to find homework help. During National Library Week we want to remind the members of our community about the valuable resources they can find at their local libraries.”

First sponsored in 1958, National Library Week is a national observance sponsored by the American Library Association (ALA) and libraries across the country each April.

Meeting Effectiveness Survey

Two years ago, several open, voluntary meetings were led by the library’s Staff Development Committee in which participants were asked to identify the strengths and weaknesses of our meeting processes for library committees and department meetings. Qualitative data was collected from library employees and used to develop training on effective meetings. Another outcome of the open meetings was the generation of a list of Effective Meeting Guidelines. It seems prudent to ask ourselves – “How are we doing, today…have the training and/or guidelines made a difference?”

In a couple of days, all library employees will receive a link to a survey that asks you to provide feedback on the effectiveness of any library committee or committees on which you currently serve. This includes library appointed committees, e.g., Diversity Action Committee, as well as ad hoc library committees and task forces. It does not include an assessment of unit, department, or division meetings. Furthermore, you are not asked to identify the committee(s) you are evaluating.

Survey questions are drawn from the list of ‘Effective Meeting Guidelines.’ Participation in the survey is voluntary and anonymous.

Final results will be tabulated and shared with all library staff via a web link. Open, voluntary meetings will be held to discuss the data and share reactions. The results of this study have the potential to further the understanding of employee perception of progress made in conducting more effective committee meetings. Such knowledge will be used to recognize both areas of improvement and areas for additional training, e.g., agenda building, group processes. Final results will be tabulated and shared with all library staff via a web link.

Thanks in advance for your consideration.

Leo Agnew
Staff Development Committee, chair