MU Libraries in the News

MU professor Ingolf Gruen made the following comment in repsonse to a blog post at Inside Higher Ed about accessing library Web pages from university home pages:

Although I have encountered students’ “library, what library?” attitude many times, I do believe the link to our library from the university home page is very visible and two clicks gets you to the libraries’ homepage, which has info such as hours etc. right there on the page (the first click gets you to a page that has all the MU libraries listed). Maybe there are even better ones, but I think it is quite straight forward.

International Bazaar on Sept. 22

Sept. 22, 2009
Lowry Mall
11  a.m. – 2 p.m.

Mizzou’s international students would like to offer a taste of their culture to Mid-Missouri. International Bazaar is one of Mizzou’s longest running traditions. This year marks the 33rd annual International Bazaar and the 1st MU International Day. Come enjoy free ethnic food, beverages and souvenirs. Sponsored by the MSA/GPC International Programming Committee.

Recycling & Hand Sanitizer

This week Civic Recycling pulled their paper recycling carts and cardboard dumpsters from campus. The City of Columbia is working to replace all of the paper and cardboard containers on campus so there is as little disruption as possible. In the meantime we will need to handle the recycling in Ellis Library differently. Newspapers should be bundled and tied in stacks (no more than 12” high); cardboard should be cut up and/or boxes broken down so they are no bigger than 24” x 20”; white paper and shredded office paper should be put in plastic bags before being put in the recycle bins. Plastic Bags have been ordered and should be available to areas in the library early next week. If you have any questions about these temporary changes please feel free to contact the Ellis Library Receiving Room. We will keep you posted. Please note the beverage container recycling will not be affected, it will remain the same since the City already picks it up.

Hand Sanitizer
The Libraries has ordered hand sanitizer and disinfected wipes for the direct service areas in Ellis Library and the branches. This is primarily for areas with public contact, especially at service desks and counters. We hope to receive the sanitizer early next week, and the distribution will be coordinated by Ellis Library Security. Also, today we learned the campus will be installing hand sanitizer dispensers early next week in areas throughout the library.

Twentieth-Century Portraits

September 1, 2009
Contact: Dr. Joan Stack (573) 882-7083

Twentieth-Century Portraits

Columbia—The art exhibit Twentieth-Century Portraits: From Famous to Familiar will open September 19, 2009, in the Main Gallery of The State Historical Society of Missouri. The exhibition explores how twentieth-century Missouri artists answered the difficult question “What is a portrait?” in an age when photographs became widely available and audiences began to question whether the complexities of identity could be captured by traditional artistic imitation.

A special work that will be included in the exhibit, The Truman Family by Greta Kempton (1952), represents President Truman, Mrs. Truman, and their daughter, Margaret. Kempton also painted Truman’s official presidential portrait. The Truman Family was commissioned for the Society by Richard R. Nacy of Jefferson City with extra funds raised by Missouri Democrats for Truman’s 1948 inaugural celebration. The large painting is one of the Society’s most significant portraits, and has been on loan to the Missouri State Governor’s Mansion for several years. This exhibition offers visitors an opportunity to view this important work from the Society’s permanent collection.

The exhibit will feature portraits of and by Missourians, and include likenesses of such famous residents as Mark Twain and President Harry S. Truman, as well as images of less well-known citizens. Portraits in a variety of media will be exhibited, including several lithographs by Thomas Hart Benton. The renderings will range from naturalistic to abstract and reflect the diversity of our people and inventiveness of our artists.

About The State Historical Society of Missouri

Founded in 1898 by the Missouri Press Association and a trustee of the state since 1899, the Society is the preeminent research facility for the study of the Show Me State’s heritage and a leader in programming designed to share that heritage with the public. Through educational outreach, such as the Missouri History Speakers’ Bureau and genealogy workshops, or the performing arts, like MoHiP Theatre, the Society not only brings Missouri history to the state’s citizens, but also gives Missourians the tools to uncover the history in their own lives. The Society is located on the ground floor of Ellis Library on the University of Missouri campus at Hitt Street and Lowry Mall.

2009-2011 MU Libraries Committee Assignments

I am pleased to announce the following committee assignments for the 09-10 year

Committee on Digitization Initiatives
Permanent Members
Michael Holland, Chair
Felicity Dykas
Hunter Kevil

Anne Barker (09-11)
Dorothy Carner (08-10)
Anselm Huelsbergen (09-11)

Communications Advisory Group
Shannon Cary, Chair
Adrienne Arden (thru 12/09)
Goodie Bhullar (ex officio)
June DeWeese (thru 12/09)
Paula Roper (09-11)
Sandy Schiefer (09-11)
Gena Scott (ex officio)

Diversity Action Committee Members
Leo Agnew Chair
Adrienne Arden (08-10)
Stephen Clayton (09-11)
Jee Davis (08-10)
Ivy Hui (09-11)
Yasuyo Knoll (09-11)
Mat Miller (08-10)
Karen Witt (09-11)

Ellis Exhibits Committee Members
Anne Barker, Chair (09-11)
Alla Barabtarlo (09-11)
Marie Concannon (08-10)
Paula Roper (08-10)
Sandy Schiefer (09-11)
Bette Stuart (08-10)

Outgoing members:
Jerri Eldridge
Gwen Gray
Karen Witt

Preservation Committee Members
Nina Johnson (08-10), Chair
Michaelle Dorsey (ex officio)
Michael Holland (ex officio)
Ann Riley (ex-officio)
Mary Amann (09-11)
Katie Carr (09-11)
Gary Cox (08-10)
Dan Dodd (09-11)
Alan Jones (09-11)
Ruthe Morse (09-11)
Amanda Sprochi (08-10)

Outgoing member:
Amy Lana

Staff Development Committee Members
Leo Agnew, Chair
Cindy Cotner (09-11)
Colleen Smith (09-11)
Stephen Stanton (08-10)
Karen Witt (08-10)
Need 1 more academic and 1 classified staff

Outgoing members:
Mary Aycock
Mathew Stephen
Deb Ward
Brad Winter

I wish to thank each outgoing committee member for contributing their time and for jobs well done. I also wish to acknowledge the willingness of the new or reappointed members of each committee to step forward. The MU Libraries counts on committees like these to do many good things.

Jim Cogswell
Director of Libraries

August and September Library Start Date Anniversary Recognition

August Library Start Date Anniversary Recognition
8/2/1971, Carol Turner
8/12/1974, Goodie Bhullar
8/20/1975, Ellen Blair
8/11/1977, John Wesselmann
8/31/1982, Karla Geerlings
8/1/1984, Charlotte Mustain
8/6/1984, Tammy Green
8/17/1987, Mary Hainen
8/20/1989, Brenda Graves-Blevins
8/28/1989, Laura Buck
8/25/1993, Cindy Cotner
8/1/1997, Nina Johnson
8/2/1999, Rachel Brekhus
8/12/1999, Leo Agnew
8/7/2000, Marie Concannon
8/13/2001, Wayne Sanders
8/19/2002, Dan Akins
8/2/2004, Billi Heater
8/1/2005, Kris Anstine
8/8/2005, Amanda Sprochi
8/15/2005, Will McCrary
8/21/2006, Sharon Gaughan
8/21/2006, Renee Ratna
8/1/2007, Jee Davis
8/6/2007, Katie Carr
8/10/2008, Sheena Waggoner
8/11/2008, Renita Richmond
8/18/2008, Julia Rogers

September Library Start Date Anniversary Recognition
9/2/1980, Wayne Barnes
9/13/1982, Shelley Worden
9/4/1984, Rebecca Schedler
9/11/1989, Sue Barnes
9/1/1994, Rhonda Whithaus
9/1/1998, Ryan Bish
9/28/1998, Mark Ellis
9/8/2000, Dan Dodd
9/5/2001, Sean Witzman
9/10/2001, Terry Brooks
9/9/2002, Anselm Huelsbergen
9/6/2005, Kate Anderson
9/18/2006, Nora Tamm
9/5/2006, David Shay
9/3/2008, Karen Marshall
9/8/2008, Cara Blome
9/8/2008, Dustin Hoffmann
9/28/2008, Cathy Heckmaster
9/29/2008, Jessica Renze