A Reminder – SPSS ‘101’ Workshop

October 29, 2009
Time: 10:00 – 11:30 a.m.
Place: Cornell Hall, room 003
Trainer: Ray Bacon, Social Science Statistics Center

Space is still available for the introductory session on the use of SPSS for data analysis. SPSS, aka PASW. SPSS is a statistical software package that is useful for analyzing numbers beyond percentages. It is a point-and-click software package; as such, no knowledge of coding or higher math is required to use SPSS.

The target audience is anyone interested in learning the ‘first steps’ in using SPSS. Participants will learn how to set up a basic research question for gathering useful data, how to enter the data into SPSS, and how to run a couple of basic statistical analyses on the data, e.g., correlation. Ray Bacon will lead the session. Ray is a MU employee whose primary job is to help faculty, staff, and students conduct statistical analysis. Ray and his colleagues at the Statistics Center do this for free.

Release time is available with supervisor approval. Please RSVP to Leo for headcount purposes (AgnewL@missouri.edu).

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