SHS Thanks the Ellis Library Staff

Dear Jim:

I want to praise and thank the Ellis Library security staff for their assistance with the fire sprinkler head incident last Wednesday evening and in the days since. On Wednesday evening, Pat Jones and the remainder of the on-duty staff greatly facilitated our response team in making available flatbed carts and pushcarts for our use and, most importantly, in disarming and opening doors that made our trips from the northwest side of the building to the loading dock and dumpsters as convenient as possible. Every security staff member has been unfailingly gracious and helpful.

I also want to thank you for authorizing the staff to assist us and for offering the use of the library’s freezer space. In addition, I greatly appreciate Michaelle Dorsey’s offer of assistance on behalf of library staff.

If there is a bright side to any such incident, we were fortunate in that the malfunction occurred in an area where the materials were primarily reserve copies of Missouri state agency publications mostly from the 1970s to the early 2000s. I shudder when I think of a similar incident happening in an area of the Society or the library where more valuable collections are shelved.

Again, please accept my heartfelt thanks, and those of the rest of the Society staff, for your and your staff’s concern and assistance.

Best wishes,

Lynn Wolf Gentzler
Associate Director
The State Historical Society of Missouri

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