Library Issues Forum: Celebrating Intellectual Freedom

The Diversity Action Committee invites library employees to attend the next Library Issues Forum, scheduled for Tuesday, October 27, from 8:30 – 10:00 a.m., Stotler Lounge (N103A Memorial Union). The session wraps up the observance of Banned Books Week/Month and features several speakers with topics related to the theme of “Celebrating Intellectual Freedom: Reading, Writing, Speaking, and Creating.”

Randy Diamond, Director of the Law Library, will open the forum with a discussion of copyright and its impact on First Amendment rights. Dr. Heather Carver of the Theatre Department will talk about how performance continues to engage in issues of intellectual freedom and expression in Missouri, across the country, and internationally. Mark Horvit, Executive Director, Investigative Reports and Editors at the School of Journalism, will talk about issues faced by investigative reporters in terms of accessing and publishing information.

Release time is available with supervisor approval. RSVP’s are not required. Note the change in room location.

The Library Issues Forum was developed to fill a need for library employees to come together and talk about varied and broad library issues. If you have ideas for future forums, please contact Leo Agnew at

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