Change in OT Calculations From HR

From Campus HR: At the February Board of Curators meeting, the Board approved changes to the Collected Rules and Regulations regarding the calculation of overtime. As a result of that Board action, overtime will only include actual hours worked and will not include hours paid but not worked (e.g., paid time off, stand-by, etc.) At the April Board meeting the original effective date of April 19, 2009 was delayed. This change will be effective with the pay period which begins August 23, 2009.

Time & Labor is being reprogrammed to handle the change to calculating overtime. In addition, HR policies are being revised consistent with the change to the Collected Rules & Regulations. I will send you additional information as it is received.


August Library Start Date Anniversary Recognition

9/2/1980, Wayne Barnes
9/13/1982, Shelley Worden
9/4/1984, Rebecca Schedler
9/11/1989, Sue Barnes
9/1/1994, Rhonda Whithaus
9/1/1998, Ryan Bish
9/28/1998, Mark Ellis
9/8/2000, Dan Dodd
9/5/2001, Sean Witzman
9/10/2001, Terry Brooks
9/9/2002, Anselm Huelsbergen
9/6/2005, Kate Anderson
9/5/2006, David Shay
9/18/2006, Nora Tamm
9/3/2008, Karen Marshall
9/8/2008, Cara Blome
9/8/2008, Dustin Hoffmann
9/28/2008, Cathy Heckmaster
9/29/2008, Jessica Renze

Tactical Assessment for Strategic Advantage: How the Journalism Library Satisfaction Survey Grows Collaboration

The Staff Development Committee invites library employees to a presentation by Dorothy Carner, Head, Journalism Libraries, on the ability of a user survey to drive collaboration efforts. Results from a Spring 2009 survey are shared along with a discussion of how the information highlights the need for partnership between the MU Libraries and the School of Journalism. Release time is available with supervisor approval. An Outlook meeting notice will be sent to library staff.

August 12, 2009
2:00 PM – 3:00 PM
4F51-A Ellis Library

Healthy for Life Update

Hatha Yoga Video Lunge Pose - Hanurasana
Image by myyogaonline via Flickr

Now Enrolling:

Eat for Life
This 10 week program uses mindfulness as the foundation for learning how to create a healthy relationship with your food, mind, and body. If you have a history of chronic dieting, have rigid “healthy” rules about eating, or find yourself eating when you’re stressed, bored, or unhappy, then this may be the program for you. Using mind-body practices such as meditation and yoga you can learn how to listen to the wisdom of the body for better health and well-being. This is a “non-diet” approach to eating that advocates self and body acceptance as the first step in making changes. We use a non-judgmental and compassionate approach to re-learning how to use your internal physical cues to guide what and when you eat. This program also utilizes the principles of “Intuitive Eating” and other educational information regarding why, how, and what we eat. Mandatory orientation: Tuesday, Sept. 8 at 5:30. Classes on Tuesdays starting Sept. 15 (5:30 – 7 p.m.). There is a $60 fee, $20 to be refunded if you attend 9 of 10 classes. CLASS SIZE IS LIMITED. Contact Hannah Bush,, to enroll.

Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction
Healthy for Life is offering an intensive class in Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction to University of Missouri faculty and staff. Enroll now for this 8-week program to learn skills for responding to the stresses of life with skill and creativity. Classes include instruction in formal mindfulness practices (sitting meditation, body scan, mindful yoga, and walking meditation) and information about stress, communication, and wellness. Participants will be asked to engage in group discussions in class and daily practice exercises outside of class that support applying awareness, skill, and compassion to all aspects of work and personal life. Regular class attendance and a commitment of approximately 30-45 minutes of practice per day for the duration of the course are required. Cost of $40 includes 3 CDs and a training manual ($20 to be refunded if you attend 7 of the 8 classes). Adult family members are also invited to attend. An orientation session is required to enroll in the class and will be held on Thursday, September 17 at 5:30 p.m. The 8-week class will be held on Thursdays (September. 24 – November 12) from 5:30 – 7:30 (in the Memorial Union). There will be a full-day retreat (9 a.m.- 4 p.m.) on Saturday, October 31 as part of the class. SPACE IS LIMITED. For more information or to register for the orientation meeting, please contact Dr. Lynn Rossy,

Weight Watchers at Work

Join us for a Weight Watchers Open House meeting Wednesday, Aug. 12 at noon in Clark Hall, Room 542. Class meets on Wednesdays for 13 weeks and costs $156 for session, payable in 3 installments. Faculty and staff who miss no more than one time qualify for 25% rebate through Healthy for Life. To join, just attend the first meeting. Contact Melissa Willett,, for more questions.

Healthy for Life would like to encourage you to take advantage of these affordable classes. Please note that full payment is due at the beginning of the first class. Space is limited. Please contact the instructor directly to register or for questions.

• Yoga: Aug. 24-Oct. 5 at Missouri Psychiatric Center (formerly Mid-Mo Gym). Class meets on Mondays (aside from a Tuesday class, Sept. 8, due to the Labor Day holiday) from 12:10-12:55 p.m. and costs $12 for the 6 week session. Pre-registration is required and registration deadline is Aug. 17. To sign up, e-mail Kate Walker,

• Mat Yoga: Aug. 25-Oct. 13 at Missouri Psychiatric Center (formerly Mid-Mo Gym). Class meets on Tuesdays from 8-8:40 a.m. and costs $16 for the 8 week session. Pre-registration is required and registration deadline is Aug. 18. To sign up, e-mail Ashley Jenkins,

• Mat Yoga: Aug. 26-Sept. 30 at Ellis Fischel Cancer Center PACU. Class meets on Wednesdays from 5:10-5:50 p.m. and costs $12 for the 6 week session. Pre-registration is required and registration deadline is Aug. 19. To sign up, e-mail Ashley Jenkins,

• Office Yoga: Sept. 1 to Oct.6 at Ellis Library room 4F51-A. Class meets on Tuesdays from 1:10-1:50 p.m. and costs $12 for the 6 week session. Pre-registration is required and registration deadline is Aug. 25. To sign up, e-mail Ashley Jenkins,

• Office Yoga: Sept. 4-Sept. 25 at Dalton Research Center Library, Room 132. Class meets on Fridays from 5:15-5:55 p.m. and costs $8 for the 4 week session. Pre-registration is required and registration deadline is Aug. 18. To sign up, e-mail Ashley Jenkins,

• Office Yoga: Oct. 27 – Nov. 17 at Lewis Hall, Room 3. Class meets Tuesdays from 12:10-12:50 p.m. and costs $8 for the 4 week session. Pre-registration is required and registration deadline is Oct 20. To sign up, e-mail Ashley Jenkins,

• Office Yoga: Oct. 29 – Nov. 19 at Lewis Hall, Room 3. Class meets Thursdays from 12:10-12:50 p.m. and costs $8 for the 4 week session. Pre-registration is required and registration deadline is Oct 22. To sign up, e-mail Ashley Jenkins,

• Mat Yoga: Nov. 24 – Dec. 15 at Lewis Hall, Room 3. Class meets Tuesdays from 5:10-5:50 p.m. and costs $8 for the 4 week session. Pre-registration is required and registration deadline is Nov 17. To sign up, e-mail Ashley Jenkins,

Other Healthy for Life Classes:

Body Conditioning
Body Conditioning is offered this Fall at Memorial Union from 12:15-12:45 p.m. Click here for a schedule. Classes are $1 each and there is no need to register. All experience levels are welcome. The instructor encourages attendees to bring a towel or mat. Please post the this schedule in a highly visible location in your department and bring a friend to this class!

Other Opportunities:

Healthy Men needed for Study
The Department of Nutritional Sciences is seeking research volunteers to help evaluate the effects of weight-bearing exercise on bone health. If you are a healthy male, 18-60 years old who participates in moderate-to-high intensity exercise at least two hours per week and not currently participating in regulate weight lifting or plyometrics (high intensity jumping) exercise activities you may be eligible for the study. You will receive one-on-one supervised training and fitness testing, free access to the McKee Gym Fitness Center, free body composition, dietary analysis, Bone Mineral Density evaluation and financial compensation. Please e-mail Matt Widzer,, or call him at 882-8191.

Volunteers needed for MS 150 Bike Race
Want to exercise, have fun and raise money all at the same time for a great cause? Sign-up to volunteer or participate in Bike MS: Express Scripts Gateway Getaway Ride happening in Columbia on September 12-13, 2009. It is a bike ride to raise money to help fund research to find a cure for MS and support those afflicted with this devastating disease. There are options for 40, 75, and 100 mile rides with support and rest stops every 8-12 miles and great food with a beer garden at the end of the ride each day. For more information or to register, please call at 1-800-344-4867 or visit Any other questions, e-mail Anne Heine,, or call her at 573-446-6173.

Brown Bag Lunch
GetAbout Columbia will be providing a FREE brown bag lunch presentation about the benefits of active transportation, bicycle and gear selection, and safety. The presentation will be Sept. 29 from 12-1 p.m. in Memorial Union’s Stotler Lounge. Join Healthy for Life and GetAbout Columbia by walking or biking to work in September as a celebration of GetAbout’s Way to Go To Work program. GetAbout Columbia will provide reminder cards that help you set goals of active commuting. You can turn in the card to the GetAbout office and receive a pedometer or a pants protector and become eligible for an active commuting grand prize. Along with words of encouragement and incentive gifts, Get About Columbia is also including activities for those who want a little more than a friendly boost. There are guided bike rides that will tour current and completed GetAbout infrastructure projects and offer information about these. For more information, please call 442-7189 or visit

Arthritis Tool Kit
Central Missouri Regional Arthritis Center (CEMRAC) has now become part of MU Extension. CEMRAC would like to encourage those with arthritis or fibromyalgia to take advantage of a useful tool kit put together by Stanford University and The University of North Carolina. The kit contains The Arthritis Help book, Self-Test that helps identify elements and aids in priority setting for personal self-management, Action Plans with instruction and examples, relaxation and exercise CDs and more. For more information e-mail Amber Phelps,, or call her at 882-8097.

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Yoga at Ellis Library

Healthy for Life will offer a yoga class in Ellis Library this semester (see details below and in the Healthy for Life update). This class is open to all MU employees. If library staff members are interested in attending this class (or any of the Healthy for Life classes/workshops), they must do so on their own time and make adjustments in their schedule with supervisory approval.

Office Yoga: Sept. 1 to Oct.6 at Ellis Library room 4F51-A. Class meets on Tuesdays from 1:10-1:50 p.m. and costs $12 for the 6 week session. Pre-registration is required and registration deadline is Aug. 25. To sign up, e-mail Ashley Jenkins,

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