Time & Labor Things to Remember

• Submit versus Save for later
Choosing one over the other creates no real significance in Time & Labor, but if you choose to CLICK “Submit” when you save entries or changes, you should follow this practice throughout the entire pay period choosing “Save” after you CLICK “Submit” this will cause multiple lines to appear in your time sheet which, looks very confusing.

• Leave Time For Employees Paid Bi-Weekly
Leave time should be entered on another line if you have previously entered work time on the current date.

• Leave Time For Employees Paid Monthly
Leave time can be entered on the same line as long as it’s the same leave code therefore, sick time and vacation time cannot be entered on the same line you would need to enter each on a separate line.

• Changing/Deleting Your Leave Balance
If you have previously entered leave time and decide you do not want to take this leave time off remember you can delete this line, but you must “submit” right after you delete; by submitting right after you delete this will re-add your hours back into your leave balance in Time & Labor, if you forget to “submit” after you delete a leave balance your balance will not reflect the deleted time back into your balance until Payroll runs final calculations. This could present a problem if your leave balance is low and you need to use the hours that are now missing from your balance.

• Rounding Issue in Time & Labor for Employees Paid Bi-Weekly
To ensure you are paid correctly for 80 hours (Instead of 80.1 or 79.9), once you have submitted your time sheet, follow the NAVIGATION PATH below to check for overtime paid or if Time & Labor has shorted you hours:

1. Go to Self Service
2. Time Reporting
3. View Time
4. Payable Time Summary
5. Here you are able to view one week of hours
6. Review the “Time Reporting Code” column for OTM = overtime
7. Add the “Total Quantity” column up if you are over or under 80 hours
8. Please go back to your time sheet and make corrections (EASIEST DONE BY ADJUSTING PAID LEAVE HOURS)
9. SUBMIT Time sheet again.
10. Redo the steps above after 30 minutes to verify changes made

These are just some helpful hints that may be helpful to some while getting acclimated to Time & Labor. Please feel free to contact Leo, Sheena, or Cathy in the Administrative Office, at 882-4701 for assistance with Time & Labor.

Lastly, we have received word from Payroll that the problem with leave accruals for Pay Period 7/25 (and some Mon for 7/31) has been identified and Fixed.

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