The Staff Development Committee invites library employees to attend the next Library Issues Forum, scheduled for Tuesday, August 4 [corrected date], from 8:30 – 10:30 a.m., S304 Memorial Union. The session will be facilitated by Leo Agnew in which he will share the results of the DAC diversity survey, the SDC survey on committee effectiveness, and the post-elephants training survey. Release time is available with supervisor approval.
The Library Issues Forum was developed to fill a need for library employees to come together and talk about varied and broad library issues. Judy Maseles and Alice Allen took on the task of organizing this enterprise and deserve to be recognized for developing a very successful program. SDC is now responsible for the forums and would like to replicate the practice established by Judy and Alice of soliciting ideas for future forums. Please send your ideas to Leo Agnew,
There will not be a forum Aug. 25 to avoid competing with activities associated with the first week of school.
Was this moved to Aug 4th?
Yes, the forum was moved to Aug. 4 but I forgot to change the info for News Notes.