MULSA Election Results

May 26 2009

President – Michael Spears

Vice President – Rachel Brekhus

Secretary – Colleen Smith

Treasurer – Jack Batterson

Social Chair – Ruthe Morse

Staff Room Chair – Tammy Green

Courtesy Chair – Delores Fisher

Community Service Chair – Steve Clayton

Muse Chair – Karla Geerlings and Rebecca Schedler

Book sale chair- Sandy Schiefer with Jerri Elridge serving the second year of her two-year term

Medical Library Association Contributions by HSL Librarians

Yes, the Medical Library Association met in Honolulu in May, but don’t let the exotic venue trick you into thinking it was just a party. MLA 2009 was, as always, a national-level professional meeting brimming with contributions from medical librarians of all kinds. Each of the four librarians who attended from MU did so because of an individual or team-member contribution that was highlighted in some way at the meeting. And they each attended many sessions crammed into the program to bring back new learning and ideas to MU. As one person stated, “I had no time to realize where I was. I was once again at MLA, surrounded by professional content and an endless stream of sessions and meetings!”

We’re proud of all of our contributors, but especially so of Trenton Boyd, who won the Murray Gottlieb Prize for best essay on the history of medicine. Not only did winning the prize bring professional recognition to the University of Missouri, it also helped to cover expenses for Trenton’s attendance at the meeting. See the photograph of Trenton receiving the prize at the meeting, and a photograph of him with Donald Lindberg, Director of the National Library of Medicine, and Lucretia McClure, one of MLA’s most esteemed emeritus members. The Murray Gottlieb prize is awarded annually, dating back to 1956, in order to recognize and stimulate health sciences librarians’ interest in the history of medicine.

The Tiger pride continues. Diane Johnson served on an invited four-member panel sponsored by the Collection Development Section to address the topic: “Technology and E-Resources: Evolving with the Times.”

Barb Jones and Rebecca Graves also attended the meeting, and presented on their collaborative efforts. MLA hosts contributed paper and poster sessions each year, the selections for which are based on criteria for professional rigor. Competition to contribute a paper is stiff, with only about one in four accepted. Poster sessions are not as competitive, but inclusion can never be taken for granted, since there are always more submissions than slots. The papers and posters are listed below.

Presented Papers:
“What might Google Books mean for medical libraries?” by Diane Johnson
“Infusing Health Sciences Libraries with Economic Muscle” by Elizabeth Kelly, Barbara B. Jones, John Bramble

“Creating a Framework for Collaborative Regional Library Research” by Deborah H. Ward AHIP, MaryEllen C. Sievert and Barbara B. Jones

“”Mapping Information Literacy: Using Concept Mapping to Understand Nurses’ Sources of Health Information” by Louise C. Miller, Rebecca S. Graves AHIP, Barbara B. Jones and Mary Ellen C. Sievert

Congratulations to all of our MU authors for this recognition of their work!
Deb Ward

P.S. Rebecca’s poster was blogged about at

Diversity Action Committee Luncheon Follow-up

The members of the Diversity Action Committee wish to offer our thanks to the following people for the successful outcome of the DAC’s Diversity Luncheon of June 10:
• Those who provided food. We’d like to collect recipes; send Leo the info when you get a second (agnewl@missouri.ed).
• Those who attended; the turnout was more than expected and a delight to see.
• All who helped with clean-up activities.
• Supervisors for approving release time for staff to both assist with and attend the event.
• MULSA for use of supplies, e.g., microwave, tablecloths, utensils.
• LTS for assistance with the music connection.
• Karen Eubanks for loan of the ‘diversity doll set.’
• Ivy Hui and Bill Phillips for taking pictures.

With the success of the event, DAC looks forward to sponsoring the Second Annual Diversity Luncheon in 2010.

On a related note, the world map activity has been moved to the staff lounge in Ellis. If you’ve not seen it, be sure to look for it the next time you visit the lounge. If you’ve not contributed your information, feel free to do so. Instructions are included with the map. What is the world map activity? It’s an opportunity for staff to identify their countries of heritage. The purpose is to recognize and celebrate the diversity among us.

Healthy for Life Update

a way to a healthy life
Image by Abdullah AL-Naser via Flickr

Workplace Presentations
Wellness is a way of life. Do you and your colleagues want to learn more about Healthy for Life? Our goal is to help offer you the resources you need to make lifestyle changes to become healthier and happier. If you would like a presentation in your workplace about our wellness programs, contact Jenny Workman, MU Program Manager, at or Armine Alioto at for UMHS presentations.

MizzouRec Summer Stimulus Program
All faculty, staff, retirees, and non-fee paying students are invited to take advantage of a special summer stimulus package. MizzouRec Complex will offer the chance for all faculty, staff, retirees, and non-fee paying students with a current valid MU ID to use the Rec Complex at a minimal fee of $2/per person per day from May 18th- August 13th. MizzouRec has worked hard to provide this opportunity without compromising students, the fee structure, or non-student members.

The Stimulus Partners: May 18 – August 13, 2009
MizzouRec Services & Facilities and the MU Student Rec Complex
$2/day memberships

Healthy for Life, The TE Atkins Wellness Program
Health Screenings at The Rec Complex at selected times

Campus Dining Services & Truman’s Take-Out
Campus Dining Services will be offering $.39 coffee and fountain drinks from Truman’s Take-Out Monday – Friday from 9-10AM and 2-3PM

The University Bookstore
Friday 50% off clearance rack from 8AM – Noon

Tiger Team Store
Saturday 25% off any one single item 10AM – Noon

MU Intercollegiate Athletics
Selected home football game special ticket rates for faculty/staff/retirees
Bowling Green, 09/12/09 @ $22 (regularly $44)
Furman, 09/19/09, $17 (regularly $39)

MU Division of Student Affairs
MU Rec Advisory Committee
MU Staff Advisory Council
MU Retirees Association – Benefits Committee
MU Intercollegiate Athletics
Healthy for Life: TE Atkins UM Wellness Program

Visit the Healthy for Life website
Have you been to our website yet? If not, check it out at If so, keep going back to see what’s going on in the wellness world. Check out the indoor and outdoor walking trails, Mindfulness Practice Techniques, and numerous links to other health and wellness websites. There are faculty and staff success stories, events, class schedules, program information, links and access to take the online health risk assessment.

Walk a Hound, Lose a Pound
Are you looking to make a new friend or two? Help a shelter dog get some much needed exercise and fresh air while walking for better health in the Walk a Hound, Lose a Pound program. Participants receive a t-shirt and leashes and dog treats are provided. Participants will meet at the Central Missouri Humane Society. To register, call Parks and Recreation at 874-7460 or go online to

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MOBIUS Presentation: What’s New in Cataloging

Wayne Sanders and Felicity Dykas presented a session at the MOBIUS Annual Conference 2009 on June 3 entitled “What’s New in Cataloging 2009.” They gave a whirlwind tour of changes that have taken place in descriptive and subject cataloging standards and in the MARC format. They also reviewed relevant changes that have occurred at places such as the Library of Congress, OCLC and GPO.

For additional news from the Catalog Department, visit their news blog.

Time and Labor ‘Live’ Training for Supervisors

Payroll will sponsor two training sessions for supervisors that features Time and Labor in live mode (see below). These sessions are for anyone who approves a bi-weekly time sheet and/or a monthly absence form. Please plan to attend; rsvp’s are not required. Thank you.

June 23rd at 9:00 a.m. at Ellis Auditorium
June 30th at 1:30 p.m. at Middlebush Hall, room 12

Reminder – June Library Issues Forum

The MU Libraries’ Staff Development Committee invites you to a panel discussion on the topic of the Google books settlement. The session will take place June 30, from 10:00 – 11:30 a.m., Jesse Wrench Auditorium, at MU. Audience members will leave the session with a better understanding of issues surrounding the settlement, including those issues to be clarified over time. Release time is available with supervisor approval.

Panelists include:
Randy Diamond, Director of MU’s Law Library;
Diane Johnson, Head, HSL Information Services;
Chris Le Beau, SISLT;
Ann Riley, Assistant Director for Technical Services.

If you would like to read comments on the Settlement prior to the sessions, you might consider these links:

Leo Agnew
Chair, SDC

Promotion Announcements

Congratulations to Gwen Gray, Wayne Sanders, Caryn Scoville and Rhonda Whithaus on their promotions. Gwen, Caryn and Rhonda move to Librarian III, and Wayne moves to Librarian II. Their new titles are effective September 1, 2009.

This official validation by professional colleagues and the University administration recognizes performance and accomplishment and gives us opportunity to thank and applaud our colleagues for their contributions.

The Promotion Committee reminds those considering applying for promotion this year that the deadline for receiving dossiers is October 1. Details of the promotion process can be found in “A Governance System for Librarians and Archivists at the University of Missouri-Columbia Libraries”. Members of the 2008/2009 Promotion Committee are Kate Anderson (Chair), Trenton Boyd, Rachel Brekhus, Janice Dysart and Anselm Huelsbergen. Dossiers can be submitted to any member of the committee. We are happy to encourage the professional development of our colleagues and look forward to hearing from you.