DAC Announcement – Save the date for a luncheon

Pot Luck: The Chow Line
Image by Mr. Ducke via Flickr

The MU Libraries’ Diversity Action Committee invites you to participate in a luncheon on June 10 that will feature ethnic food. Here are the details in Q&A format:
• When/where will it be held? June 10, in room 4F51-A Ellis (near Shelving); lunch runs 11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
• Who is providing the food? You, if you are willing to do so.
• What type of food should I bring? Anything that represents any part of your heritage.
• How much food should I bring? That is up to you.
• Should I let DAC know if I’m bringing food? Yes, please contact Leo at AgnewL@missouri.edu and provide the name or type of dish and the estimated number of people it will serve.
• Where will the luncheon take place? In room 4F51-A Ellis Library* (near Shelving). The room is reserved from 8:00 a.m. through 1:30 p.m. There are plenty of outlets for slow cookers and a microwave will be on hand in the room. The room will be unlocked starting at 8:00 for people to drop off food.
• Do I need to do anything after I drop off my dish? Yes. We ask that you take responsibility for setting up the dish prior to the lunch period.
• Would it be okay for me to talk about my dish as people pass through the food line? Absolutely. In fact, we encourage it for anyone so inclined.
• Is this a legitimate DAC activity? Yes. One goal is to highlight the cultural diversity embodied by library employees.
• Does attendance during lunch count as release time? No, since this is a volunteer luncheon versus a workshop or program.
• But what about the food prep time? Yes, with supervisor approval.
• Can I attend the event even if I don’t bring food to share? Yes! This is open to all library employees.

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Reminder: Library Issues Forum Invitation

The Staff Development Committee invites library employees to attend a Library Issues Forum, scheduled for Monday, May 11, from 2:00 – 3:00 p.m., in 159 Ellis.

At the recent Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) Conference in Seattle, one of the Invited Speakers was Dr. Elson S. Floyd, President of Washington State University, who spoke on the topic “Challenging Economic Times: Focusing on the Students and the Mission of Higher Education.” President Floyd’s presentation was very affirming of libraries and the work that we do in libraries. He also included a mention of the University of Missouri Libraries and MOspace. President Floyd gave his permission for his presentation to be taped live as he talked. June Deweese, as a member of the Invited Papers Committee, has offered to present his talk to the MU Libraries. Following his presentation, Ann Campion Riley will do a short presentation on MOspace.

The Library Issues Forum was developed to fill a need for library employees to come together and talk about varied and broad library issues. If you have suggestions for additional forum topics, please send your ideas to Leo Agnew, AgnewL@missouri.edu.

Notes From the Director, May 2009

Wrap-Up of the For All We Call Mizzou Campaign
Now that the For All We Call Mizzou campaign has ended, with over one billion dollars in gifts and pledges for MU, I would like to give you an overview of the success of the campaign for the Libraries. As of December 31, 2008, the MU Libraries raised $8,204,439, which is 102.58% of our $8 million campaign goal. The Library Society, consisting of individuals who have contributed $1,000 or more, currently boasts 98 members. The Honor with Books program has raised over $28,000 since it began in FY05, and the Adopt-A-Book program inaugurated in FY07, has raised over $20,000, enabling the conservation of over 100 books from our rare and special collections. Before the campaign started, we had seventeen endowed funds totaling $2.3 million for library collections. Today we have forty-one such funds totaling $4.5 million.
During the campaign, the MU Libraries hosted five Library Society Dinners to honor our major donors and supporters. The following distinguished speakers presented keynote talks at the dinners:
o Diane Glancy, author and Mizzou alumna (2004),
o Alice Prochaska, Yale University Librarian (2005),
o John Y. Cole, director of the Center for the Book at the Library of Congress (2006),
o Vartan Gregorian, president of Carnegie Corporation (2008), and
o Robert M. O’Neil, director of the Thomas Jefferson Center for the Protection of Free Expression (2009).

The MU Libraries also hosted events for alumni and friends in New York, New Jersey, Boston, and Washington, D.C.. Ron Powers, author, Pulitzer Prize winner and MU graduate, was guest speaker at the New York event. The events have proved quite popular, and have enabled the Libraries to build and expand Mizzou connections beyond the state of Missouri.

Although the first major fundraising campaign for the MU Libraries is over, Gena Scott, Sheila Voss and Shannon Cary – with help from all of you – continue to cultivate donors and solicit support for the Libraries. Just recently, retired area physician and alumnus, Dr. Gene Ridenhour, established the Ruth E. Ridenour MU Libraries Student Ambassadors endowment in memory of his wife, who was a secretary at the Main Library (Ellis Library) in the 1960’s. In March, six of the student ambassadors attended leadership training and were able to meet Dr. Ridenhour. He talked to them about how much his wife loved working in the library and how she regarded the staff of the Libraries as a second family. It’s clear that library staff members make a difference in people’s lives.

So I want to thank all of you for the important role you played in the success of the For All We Call Mizzou campaign. Your talents, hard work and dedication to service demonstrate how important the Libraries are to the mission of the University. That is what enables us to maintain and increase support from our benefactors.

Update on Supply Room Open House

We would like to thank everyone who attended the Libraries Supply Room open house held for libraries departments on Tuesday. The event was a big success and helped us relocate many items to departments within the library. As an FYI, there are various old forms, etc. that will now be recycled and used for scratch slips in the Reference area. So don’t be alarmed if you see them being used around the building instead of the plain white 3”x5” scratch slips.

Ellen Blair & Pat Jones

Wellness Update

If you have not already enrolled in the Million Step Pedometer Program, we would encourage you to purchase a $15 pedometer by sending a check to 205 Heinkel or visiting our office. As always, there are many other wellness opportunities for you to take advantage of. Please pass this email to your colleagues and post the flyers in a central location.

Weight Watchers at Work

There will be two summer Weight Watchers sessions starting in May. All faculty and staff who miss no more than one class qualify for a rebate from Healthy for Life. Split payment plans are available. Please plan to attend one of these Open House sessions for more information:
• Clark Hall, Room 509 on Wednesday, May 13th from 12 p.m. until 1 p.m. Enrollment fee is $156 for 13 weeks.
• University Hospital’s School of Medicine, Room M586 on Wednesday, May 20th from 11:45 a.m.-12:45 p.m. Enrollment fee is $186 for 17 weeks.

Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction
Enroll now for this 8-week program to learn skills for responding to the stresses of life with skill and creativity. Classes include instruction in formal mind/body practices and information about stress, communication, and wellness. Regular class attendance and a commitment of approximately 30-45 minutes of practice per day for the duration of the course are required. Cost of $40 includes 3 CDs and a training manual ($20 to be refunded if you attend 7 of the 8 classes). An orientation session is required to enroll in the class and will be held on Tuesday, June 2 at 5:00 p.m. The 8-week class will be held on Tuesdays (June 9 – July 28) from 5:00 – 7:00 (in the Memorial Union). There will be a full-day retreat (9:00 – 4:00 p.m.) on Saturday, July 18 as part of the class. SPACE IS LIMITED. For more information or to register for the orientation meeting, please contact Lynn Rossy at RossyL@umsystem.edu

Chancellor’s Walk
The annual Chancellor’s Walk for MU will be held Wednesday, May 20th with three tours guided by Landscape Services and a power walk provided by Healthy for Life. The Walk is part of Staff Appreciation Week and is sponsored by the Staff Advisory Council and Healthy for Life. Each tour will depart from the South Jesse Plaza at noon, with one focusing on perennials, another on trees and the third on shrubs. The power walk will leave at the same time. Healthy for Life will also be providing FREE blood pressure screenings and information about its programs, in addition to enrolling people in its Million Step Pedometer Program. If you would like to sign up that day, bring cash or check only. Pedometers are $15 and include a free log book.

Pilates classes
Registration is full! There are no more spaces left in the six week Pilates sessions scheduled at the Mid-Mo gym or in Memorial Union. If you missed this opportunity, there will be another 6 week session this summer. Dates and times will be announced soon.

Preserving the Harvest
Preserving freshly harvested foods provides an opportunity to enjoy those foods throughout the year. A number of workshops are planned to provide you with the latest research-based information to help you preserve foods that will be of the highest quality and safe to eat. Each workshop will also provide you with printed materials, hands-on experience, and solutions to address common food preservation problems. Registration Fee: $10/person/workshop or $25 for all 3 workshops. A second family member may attend for $5/workshop, with each family receiving only one set of handouts. Class size is limited. Register early! For more information please visit www.extension.missouri.edu/boone/ or contact Vera Massey at masseyv@missouri.edu or 573-445-9792.

Riley and Sanders Elected to ACRL Positions

Congratulations to two MU Librarians who were elected to Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) positions in the recent ALA election!

  • Ann Campion Riley, Assistant Director for Technical Services, was elected to the ACRL Board as a Councilor-At-Large.
  • Wayne Sanders, Catalog Department, was elected to the position of Secretary of the Anthropology and Sociology Section of ACRL.