If you have not already enrolled in the Million Step Pedometer Program, we would encourage you to purchase a $15 pedometer by sending a check to 205 Heinkel or visiting our office. As always, there are many other wellness opportunities for you to take advantage of. Please pass this email to your colleagues and post the flyers in a central location.
Weight Watchers at Work
There will be two summer Weight Watchers sessions starting in May. All faculty and staff who miss no more than one class qualify for a rebate from Healthy for Life. Split payment plans are available. Please plan to attend one of these Open House sessions for more information:
• Clark Hall, Room 509 on Wednesday, May 13th from 12 p.m. until 1 p.m. Enrollment fee is $156 for 13 weeks.
• University Hospital’s School of Medicine, Room M586 on Wednesday, May 20th from 11:45 a.m.-12:45 p.m. Enrollment fee is $186 for 17 weeks.
Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction
Enroll now for this 8-week program to learn skills for responding to the stresses of life with skill and creativity. Classes include instruction in formal mind/body practices and information about stress, communication, and wellness. Regular class attendance and a commitment of approximately 30-45 minutes of practice per day for the duration of the course are required. Cost of $40 includes 3 CDs and a training manual ($20 to be refunded if you attend 7 of the 8 classes). An orientation session is required to enroll in the class and will be held on Tuesday, June 2 at 5:00 p.m. The 8-week class will be held on Tuesdays (June 9 – July 28) from 5:00 – 7:00 (in the Memorial Union). There will be a full-day retreat (9:00 – 4:00 p.m.) on Saturday, July 18 as part of the class. SPACE IS LIMITED. For more information or to register for the orientation meeting, please contact Lynn Rossy at
Chancellor’s Walk
The annual Chancellor’s Walk for MU will be held Wednesday, May 20th with three tours guided by Landscape Services and a power walk provided by Healthy for Life. The Walk is part of Staff Appreciation Week and is sponsored by the Staff Advisory Council and Healthy for Life. Each tour will depart from the South Jesse Plaza at noon, with one focusing on perennials, another on trees and the third on shrubs. The power walk will leave at the same time. Healthy for Life will also be providing FREE blood pressure screenings and information about its programs, in addition to enrolling people in its Million Step Pedometer Program. If you would like to sign up that day, bring cash or check only. Pedometers are $15 and include a free log book.
Pilates classes
Registration is full! There are no more spaces left in the six week Pilates sessions scheduled at the Mid-Mo gym or in Memorial Union. If you missed this opportunity, there will be another 6 week session this summer. Dates and times will be announced soon.
Preserving the Harvest
Preserving freshly harvested foods provides an opportunity to enjoy those foods throughout the year. A number of workshops are planned to provide you with the latest research-based information to help you preserve foods that will be of the highest quality and safe to eat. Each workshop will also provide you with printed materials, hands-on experience, and solutions to address common food preservation problems. Registration Fee: $10/person/workshop or $25 for all 3 workshops. A second family member may attend for $5/workshop, with each family receiving only one set of handouts. Class size is limited. Register early! For more information please visit or contact Vera Massey at or 573-445-9792.