Reminder: Library Issues Forum Invitation

The Staff Development Committee invites library employees to attend a Library Issues Forum, scheduled for Monday, May 11, from 2:00 – 3:00 p.m., in 159 Ellis.

At the recent Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) Conference in Seattle, one of the Invited Speakers was Dr. Elson S. Floyd, President of Washington State University, who spoke on the topic “Challenging Economic Times: Focusing on the Students and the Mission of Higher Education.” President Floyd’s presentation was very affirming of libraries and the work that we do in libraries. He also included a mention of the University of Missouri Libraries and MOspace. President Floyd gave his permission for his presentation to be taped live as he talked. June Deweese, as a member of the Invited Papers Committee, has offered to present his talk to the MU Libraries. Following his presentation, Ann Campion Riley will do a short presentation on MOspace.

The Library Issues Forum was developed to fill a need for library employees to come together and talk about varied and broad library issues. If you have suggestions for additional forum topics, please send your ideas to Leo Agnew,

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