Two years ago, several open, voluntary meetings were led by the library’s Staff Development Committee in which participants were asked to identify the strengths and weaknesses of our meeting processes for library committees and department meetings. Qualitative data was collected from library employees and used to develop training on effective meetings. Another outcome of the open meetings was the generation of a list of Effective Meeting Guidelines. It seems prudent to ask ourselves – “How are we doing, today…have the training and/or guidelines made a difference?”
In a couple of days, all library employees will receive a link to a survey that asks you to provide feedback on the effectiveness of any library committee or committees on which you currently serve. This includes library appointed committees, e.g., Diversity Action Committee, as well as ad hoc library committees and task forces. It does not include an assessment of unit, department, or division meetings. Furthermore, you are not asked to identify the committee(s) you are evaluating.
Survey questions are drawn from the list of ‘Effective Meeting Guidelines.’ Participation in the survey is voluntary and anonymous.
Final results will be tabulated and shared with all library staff via a web link. Open, voluntary meetings will be held to discuss the data and share reactions. The results of this study have the potential to further the understanding of employee perception of progress made in conducting more effective committee meetings. Such knowledge will be used to recognize both areas of improvement and areas for additional training, e.g., agenda building, group processes. Final results will be tabulated and shared with all library staff via a web link.
Thanks in advance for your consideration.
Leo Agnew
Staff Development Committee, chair